Tree hugging dirt worshipper
Just thought I'd check in on this thread, being the proud new owner of a genuine MFLB (having retired my cheap plastic knock-off).
I use my draw rate to control temp mainly with the paIt differs, from a bit lower than middle for headier effects and a bit higher than middle for more of a body high
i did two refresh cycles on the glyphs. some values on the display really increased in comparison to the previous simple charge. however, i don't know, whether i should do another refresh cycle or not. can the experts tell me, what the display should show in an (almost) ideal scenario?
it's an accucell 800 charger, probably known under a different brand around here.
at the moment it shows 2.08 Ah, 1,42V, 200mA, without telling me, that the battery is fully charged after some 26h, so i am assuming the discharge and refresh is not completed yet. the battery itself is cold.
For those of you using PA2 for flowers, what heat setting do you recommend? Is there a 1-10 of what people are heating at each setting, like flowers 3-4, wax at 6...
A refresh of the glyph batteries can take 36 hours. Be patient.
is it the Ah value that counts and it should be at 2,5 after a complete refresh cycle, right? how often is it advised to do a refresh cycle?
Yes. You'll be lucky if it reaches 2.5 aH though, it usually comes up a bit short. Refresh rarely. When the battery starts losing capacity (aH) then consider another refresh. It's not magic and will be less successful over time. The batteries do wear out.
I've recently developed a coughing issue with my MFLB. I use the MFLB naked around town and inside the house I use the glass draw tube. Doesn't matter which way I use it - I immediately get a sensitive reaction causing me to cough as if I was back in the ol combustion days and just took a large, harsh combusted hit. I do the standard, depress battery, 5 second wait, draw for 10 secs while letting a little air in the side of the mouth.
The MFLB was tickling the back of my throat on draw from day 1 but not like this. I've tried the 'let it hit your tongue first' approach.
The coughing issue started a few days after I got my Solo. I don't cough or have any sensitivity at all with the Solo and I'm using the same product in both. I use the Solo as my main driver at home and the MFLB as my only driver outside the home. I use the MFLB in the house as a 'I just want a quick one-hit-pick-me-up but don't want to wait for the Solo to heat up or have to repack the Solo.
Makes me sad - The MFLB was my first and can't be beat around town. But she's starting to feel like that first girl you fall in love with that turns out not to be good for you but you can't get yourself to stop seeing her
Anyone else develop a coughing issue with the MFLB after getting a new, less harsh, vape?
Anyone else out there using the MFLB for bubble hash?
Yes, many of us have. But use the adapter for this, don't even think about putting on the bare mesh.
Au contraire! I have been enjoying hash vaping without the concentrate tray, all day every day for months, with no damage to the unit. I use the Finishing Grinder to grind the concentrate into a fine, kiefy powder which gives delicious clouds.
Please be careful not to quote out of context. If you check the topic was BUBBLE hash, something widely reported to have seriously fouled screens?
Big difference. Perhaps what you have is OK, but Bubble Hash is known to have caused problems......which is why the adapters came to be??? I hope nobody fails to notice that and wrecks their MFLB on such advice.........
The problem is bubble hash comes in many different grades.Maybe we are having a miscommunication (I am very new to FC and still learning the terminiology). My hash-making bags say 'BUBBLE' on them and I use a bucket of ice water (no solvents). Is that 'bubble hash' or something different? Maybe 'bubble hash' has different meanings in different parts of the world, is that possible? The entire reason I purchased the MFLB in the first place is because I asked my friendly local head shop employee "what is the best portable vape for bubble"?
I would feel terrible if someone ruined their MFLB because of me.Do you have a link to testimonials from people who have wrecked their MFLB using this type of concentrate, so that I can educate myself on the risks?
Maybe 'bubble hash' has different meanings in different parts of the world, is that possible? The entire reason I purchased the MFLB in the first place is because I asked my friendly local head shop employee "what is the best portable vape for bubble"?
I would feel terrible if someone ruined their MFLB because of me.Do you have a link to testimonials from people who have wrecked their MFLB using this type of concentrate, so that I can educate myself on the risks?
went to smokeshop today for a new unit and this was one of the cheapest. is it really a vape? wasnt going to buy it after my bad experience with other units that burn vs vape
My favorite vaporizer actually. Yeah it can combust, but that's user error.went to smokeshop today for a new unit and this was one of the cheapest. is it really a vape? wasnt going to buy it after my bad experience with other units that burn vs vape