Damn! Be careful of LBs and dogs! One day I set my box down to grind some herb and I turned around literally ten seconds later and it was gone! I saw the dog looking suspicious so I sprinted over and pulled it *out of his mouth*! Now it's his life mission to destroy it. He was just barking non-stop while I was using it, getting all riled up. There's a warning in the MFLB Flight Guide that comes with the boxes which says that dogs tend to like to chew them up. They couldn't have been more right! If you have a dog, make sure your LB doesn't accidentally get chewed up. I think the thing they're drawn to is chewing up soft wood, which probably feels good on their teeth or something. Anyway, I just wanted to post this to validate the warning from the company that's in the guidebook, on the website and in the extended version of the flight guide that's on the website as well. Go figure :-/
EDIT: When I got my box back from my dog's mouth, he had fortunately not caused so much as a scratch or dent. He was in the process of carrying it carefully to a secluded location in the house where he could chew it up in private
Modnote: back to back posts merged
I ended up ordering, last night, a Maple Laser Etched Nautilus design Launch Box from an independent seller, and from MFLB, a Cherry Infinity Wing laser etched design Launch Box, two Wooden Draw Stems in Maple and Cherry, and a Walnut Dart Stem (to go with my walnut Maud-Dib, which I'll be purchasing soon, or possibly receiving as a Christmas present), the Orbiter, two extra glyph battery caps, and The Effective Choice by Forrest Landry (I have his other two books, An Immanent Metaphysics and the Tiny Book of Essential Wisdom). I already have a Power Adapter, 2.0, a Silicon 1.5ft Draw Whip, a Water Pipe Adapter, a Nano Grinder, a Finishing Grinder and a Lanyard. I think I basically own everything they sell now except the Maud-Dib. I'm SO excited! I'm gonna be totally stacked on MFLB products

Oh yeah, I decided to forget about the Metatron's Cube design - I already have the Reddit Pineapple from that series, and I really was just more interested in the Nautilus and the Infinity Wing. I still might one day get a box from the Exotic Woods and Artisan lines though - they're really expensive so I'm waiting to see if they'll sell them as bare box options without the accessories in the Connoisseur's Club.
Oh yeah, if you're not part of the Connoisseur's Club, you really should check it out. You can't get to it from the main site, so I'll post the link (the company gave me the link when they invited me to join after I asked about buying bare boxes. You can still apply to join though - you don't need a formal invitation. You do need a box though and the serial number from it to prove that you own one). They have opportunities to be part of beta testing on new objects, and you can get bare boxes without the accessories for $75 if you're a collector. They also have the Kava Concentrate Oil for $19 as opposed to the $29 dollar price you'd pay on the main site. Here's the link to the club application page:
EDIT: You can get Maud-Dibs for just $119 in the Connoisseur's Club, too! They come with a velvet bag, the loading spoon, one battery with a glyph design cap and a 1.5ft silicone draw whip. The setup is for MFLB owners who want to buy one without getting duplicates of all the accessories that come in the tin box kits.
Wow. I ordered at midnight last night and tonight I just got an email notice from UPS that my Magic Flight order is going to be here in the morning - that was FAST! I love the company, but this actually my first time ordering from they themselves... I got all my other stuff off eBay but I wish I'd ordered from the website - I had to wait two weeks for my Reddit Pineapple box to arrive. Giving to kudos to MFLB right now for their great shipping service! (I did pay about $20 for expedited, but didn't think it would be overnight or second day shipping - what a nice surprise)!