Just tried the PA properly for the first time and this thing beats batteries hands down.
I put a mediocre amount of material in the trench, set the PA to about half, vaped off the first "tasty" vapors, this took a while to vaporize (hey, its good stuff

) and it certainly turns the material darker quicker and delivers thicker vapor than batteries possibly can, even on HALF!
How? Well because the very moment you start using a battery, it gets cooler and cooler. Those batteries might be made as best as possible to deliver continuous power, but the fact is they don't.
The PA however is amazing as far as the heat is concerned. After taking ages vaping on half, I gave it a break to let the PA cool a bit (although it wasn't too hot to hold onto) and turned it up to full. As I got the last wisps off the material on full heat, I emptied the material out onto my hand, it was BLACK! Not "very dark brown" but actually black. It wasn't even burnt though - it would be grey and ash-like and wasn't
Damn, this is always what I wanted my batteries to do, but I could never justify using 2 full batteries to do it.
Thats the bottom line for me - to turn the material black I would need to use up about 2 batteries to do that. The PA does it pretty fast once you crank it up towards the end of the vaping. Its not like a Volcano, but then its nothing like as expensive and for its size and with this PA, will get you just as high as a volcano I bet!
You don't know what you're missing if you don't have a PA with your MFLB. Can't believe I never got one sooner. If I went back in time I would have bought the PA along with the MFLB
PS If anyone is wondering, no that isn't me in the avatar, I just couldn't be arsed to upload anything else. Dunno who it is. Lets pretend its me.