FUCK COMBUSTION Written Vaporizer Review Template - 5 Star system - *-*****
Vape Name - Launch Box
Manufacturer - Magic-Flight
Price - $88 - Full Kit
Warranty - Magic-Flight grants to all purchasers of the Launch Box a lifetime functional warranty for all Box units and provided accessories. We will replace defective or damaged accessories and units free of charge.
Purchased From -
www.vapeworld.com or
Build Quality & Durability - Well,its another lil wooden box,but its built VERY WELL. Carved from a single piece wood,extremely hard to break or damage this lil unit. The top glass is made of plexi-glass which is plenty tough & durable,just dont go doing any flexibility tests on it. The rest of the unit seems pretty well built. The "wiring" is strong and doesnt flex much,holding the battery securely in place,and allowing for easier on/off's. The internal screen is very thin,but also pretty durable. It can withstand a lil bit of scraping with the back side of the included brush to get out some crap stuck in the screen. The included brush seems to be very soft & fine...I switched to an electric razor brush and it works just as good if not better since its slightly stiffer.
Temperature control - This is on you...you must pay attention & remove the battery from the terminal when necessary as to not combust.This is part of the slight learning curve.
Air-Path - Not much of an air-path here.....comes thru the lil wooden box down a plastic tube right into your mouth.Short,sweet,direct,& tasty...what more can you ask for?
Delivery system - Direct Draw- 2 plastic "pegs" or stems. Tubing may be attached to them to provide a "cooler" hit of sorts. Ive yet to find the right ID tubing. If a fellow LB owner who has tubing attached can post the proper size,Id really appreciate it.
Size - The unit itself fits nicely in the palm of your hand. Its about 3" x 1.5" x 3/4" (eyeball measuring).When you add the battery it does get substantially wider but its still a micro vape.VERY STEALTH!
Stealth - Easily one of the most stealthy units if not THE MOST!! Fits nicely in a pocket,empty cig pack,etc,etc...Can be "palmed" and toked on if you got the right size hands too

Most ppl dont even know wtf it is when they look at it!
Ease Of Use - Whats hard about sliding open a plastic top,sprinkling some wacky tobaccy in the trench,sliding it closed,popping in a battery & Enjoying tasty vapor??? Thats right!!!! NOTHING!!!!
Learning curve - VERY,VERY slight. Simply a matter of getting your draw/hit speed down. If you pull too slow,the herbals sitting on the screen will begin to combust,too fast and you drop heat. All in all,Id say it took me a night and a grams worth to figure it out & its been clear flying ever since.
Taste & Flavor - EXCELLENT!!!! Some of the tastiest hits Ive EVER HAD. Ranks right up there with the VaporBox & Vaporstar!!
Exhale Density - Not a problem blowing out a huge cloud here. Its easy to build up a huge foggy hit,by simply "puffing" on the unit,allowing the chamber to quickly refill with vapors.
Efficiency - .1 in a trench & its good for around 5-10hits depending on herb quality. Either way,you will be FLYING. Great way to get ripped & save herb while youre at it.
**Writers Notes**
I would HIGHLY recommend this vape to anybody thats constantly on the go,needs super stealth,wants a hit anytime/anywhere,or is just interested in super efficiency. For $90 its definitely one the cheapest,well built,stealthy,easy-to-use,efficient & flavorful vapes on the market. The only gripe I have is the battery life,but thats easily remedied by purchasing the Energizer 15 Min quick charger which comes with 4-2300 mAH AA's & a car kit for $30. These batteries last longer & heat the unit faster making it even more cost effective & efficient!! Overall its a great buy for anybody! Budget,stealth minded,on the go,dont wanna wait for a desktop to warm up,efficiency....these are all reasons to buy & enjoy this great vape!!!
Price - *****
Warranty - *****
Build Quality & Durability - *****
Temperature control - ****
Air-Path - ****1/2
Size - *****
Stealth - *****
Ease Of Use - *****
Learning curve - ***1/2 - Gotta learn breathe control or you WILL COMBUST!!
Taste & Flavor - *****
Exhale Density - *** - ***** - This depends on YOU
Efficiency - *****
Overall - *****