First of all, I am thinking maybe there should be a separate thread for this question: "Which should I get? The Vapor Genie or the Launch Box?" Because it seems somewhat unfair to talk about the LB's competitor here in their "own" thread. But since it's been done before and the question is here, for now, I'll answer here.Acaseofchaos said:[edited]
Which of these vapes would u say is overall better. Im going to tally the votes and see which people like more, because i think i would love both.
I use both regularly. I own a VG and my friend has a LB.
To me, they are so different that I "need" both. I am hoping to get an LB for Xmas. It would be very hard to choose just one but I'll say this:
Factors to consider are: Are you going to use it out "in public", even in the woods or places where you MIGHT be seen? If so, the LB wins, hands down. It's easier to carry in a shirt pocket or pants pocket and less easily seen, AND quicker to get a hit from. With the VG an LE officer might think you are just using a tobacco pipe with the VG, but in my opinion the LB is better in this respect because it just plain takes less time to get a hit and there's no lighter involved.
Also, if you are going to use it where there is wind: the LB wins again.
Are you a pipe smoker? If so, the VG is very nice for those who like "smoking a pipe". When my friend and I are together, we use both, and being a former mj pipe smoker I like vaping in the VG just for the feel of it, and also for the bigger thicker hits. (though you CAN get a light hit very easily with the VG if you choose to, once you get the technique down)
Another factor is this: With the VG you can vape hash and other concentrates, which I would not advise in the LB as it will likely gum up the screen and not work well in any case as the temp is not high enough for sticky hash. With the VG the screen is relatively easy to replace or clean, and with the LB it is not.
Oh, also the LB has a lifetime warranty. On the other hand, the VG is pretty indestructible as well.
You already mentioned the price, and really you will probably need to buy more/ better batteries as well, for your LB. While you can certainly get by with the 2 that come with the LB kit, 4 is a better quantity for regular usage, and since it really works much better with brand new FRESH batteries, it's good to rotate through 4 or so...
So, to me, those are the main issues that denote the differences, aside from the price, as you mentioned.
IF I had to choose just one, and I were going to mostly use it indoors at home or at a friend's home, I would probably choose the VG just because you can adjust the thickness of the hit better and get bigger clouds of vapor and you can even combust too if you want, with the same pipe.
However, since I do use it "in public" ocassionally, and do like to carry it in a small pocket, I also love the LB and would not want to be without it. So both are excellent. I'd plan on getting one, then later getting the other!