I agree completely. Customer service of their calibur is incredibly rare.
Loggin-Another strategy to keep from overcooking when using a new box that has not yet been broken and is combusting a little is to begin inhaling before you make contact with the battery, that way you can control the upper limit of the temp. I just got my sister a new LB for xmas, and we were tryin it out yesterday. It is running a little hot, and I found that using this method really helped to keep it in the right temp zone.
Inhale faster than you would for a normal hit
insert battery
slow inhale down to heat box up, allowing it to warm up to where you want to be, rather than try to cool down temps that are too high
Mojo-2/3 full is just fine. Once I had used my box for a couple of weeks, the temperature evened out and combustion is now never an issue. The technique I was suggesting that you quoted is only for newer boxes that are getting combustion. With my fully broken in box I can hit it as long as I possibly can and it never burns the bud. I totally agree with Ben tho, it's CRUCIAL to shake it up every hit or two for even cooking. If you try to vape a 2/3 full trech with out somehow stirring it up at least 3 or 4 times during the session it will not cook evenly at all, and will probably combust. If it's my first vape of the day, I can catch a solid buzz off of a trench with just barely enough bud to cover the bottom of the screen. Have you tried using minimal amounts in your LB to test it's effect on you? It's a worthwhile experiment. Hope this helps.
Has anyone else noticed this break in period?
Lo-Yeah, if I can I really like mixing up my bowl my pulling the battery towards the end of my hit and then increasing my inhale speed to the max which wiill usually get it swirling, and I know I've cooled the screen down enough so that it won't produce any vapor after my hit(Which is never really an issue anyway, just an added bonus)
Magic Flight-My serial number is in the 78,000s. Does that mean you've produced over 78,000 boxes, or is do you just assign a 5 digit number non sequentially?I've also seen numbers in to 58,000s and the 85,000s. And I've seen pics with fewer than 5 digits. Does someone have a box numbered 1?
I love the idea of 100,000 people stealthily using their boxes out in the world while millions of squares have no idea. I've made a point of not showing my LB to people who aren't into the weed, or vaping, I wanna keep this thing off of the mainstream radar as long as possible. Although I would like to see cig smokers abandon smoking cigs for vaping with the box. I can't believe more people don't vape their tobacco to get their nicotine. They all complain that they have to smoke outside of work, bars, restaurants, etc... Here's a way around that that saves your lungs, saves you money, and you can do it at your desk at work, in a restaurant, at the bar, with no worries, yet vaping tobacco is nearly unheard of. Those e-cigs are soooo cool. Hmmm....I've strayed wayyyyyyyy off topic. Whatever, I do what I want!!