
Well-Known Member
lwien said:
Nice pic. Especially like the red cloth under the grinder to show off those grinder holes. ;)

Man, I've been contemplating on getting one of these for a long time now. Don't really need a portable being that all my vaping is done at home, but it's just such a neat little thing.

This will be used in home almost exclusively. But it allows me to move from room to room wireless. ;)


Well-Known Member
First trench ....

Doing good. Even got a nice cloud on the last one. :D

This just might be fc's first real-time Magic Flight review. LOL!

*Update* Battery getting warmer, but feels comforting in my hand.
A little more trouble than regular vapes in when knowing to move on to a the next "load" (trench). Noticing the vapor is showing slower and slower.

The LED certainly serves a nice purpose in seeing the vapor in dark areas (stealth).
Should be NO problem in figuring out the "hotspot" of my LB as to when to re-trench.

Draws easy for a first timer. Though I'm a long time Zap user ... so I'm use to direct draw. New users shouldn't have a hard time getting it if they remember inhale slowing, perhaps even making a sharp/fast pull once in awhile. Then just pull out your last 1/3rd inhale. Nice vape taste for sure and all I'm absolutely tasting is the material being vaped.

Excuse me while I see if this trench is done ... :lol:


Well-Known Member
Update 2:

Oh wow ... that hit definitely told me it was time to reload. Slow vapor ... not hitting much at all. Woooo ... ok! Just flipped that sucker again and got a decent hit. Saw some unvaped ... but overall this vape poop is looking no different than other vapes.

Think I see so more freshness. Let's shake this mofo again shall we?
(I'm trying to reduce this "live" review in less posts ... hope I'm not bothering anyone)

But I'm being 100% unbias and am just "feelin it" right now so I figured this would be fun. :brow:
Sorry for anyone who might feel this to be spam.

Update 3*

Bleh ... get txt messages from the lady's sister. Her mom is in the hospital and we think she has cancer but isnt telling anyone. Bummer ... I think this trench is pretty much done. The rest will make some nice cannabutter even if it isnt 100% browned. But hell, im feeling pretty intense and the lighting sucks in here so who knows. I'm feeling nice. OI! The news is not good with that text msg thing. Her moms is a cannabis user too believe it or not. Send your karma / prayers our way if you can.


Well-Known Member
Karma comin' your way, and no, I don't think anyone here feels that this is spam.


vapor accessory addict
Oh tc1, that was a real buzz kill for you. I am so sorry. Having lost my mother to cancer, this hits home with me. I'll be thinking of you.

I was enjoying your review very much. Hopefully, you will enjoy many more review opportunities soon that are not interrupted.


Well-Known Member
Thank Iwein!

Working on trench #2. I'm thinking the battery might be done. Still pretty slow vapor. I do take a few more hits than many. Won't have any news on the moms until the lady gets home. But we pretty much agree it's probably bad. More reason to release the healing power of cannabis again! Cannabis fights certain cancers ... it REALLY does.

It's such a SHAM of humanity that people don't recognize this despite all scientific evidence that is being shown. It's truly sad that people must suffer in the name of profit. What do we have to LOSE? If it can save one FUCKING life ... what do we have to lose?

LOL! I need a new battery ....


Well-Known Member
thoughts out to you tc1. hope youre enjoying that box.

qucik question for yall. I recently bought some imedion 2400 batteries. I have 1 sanyo enelopps that shipped with my box. is it ok to charge 2 batteries with different MAH readings together? I dont think ive seen this question asked before

edit: I have the stock 2 battery charger provided by MF. it is a sanyo charger.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the waves of positive thinking peeps. I've been saying you guys are some good peeps.

I'm not letting the situation ruin my review. There's nothing I can do ... you know? Just hope for the best.
I've lost a lot of people in my life. You get to the point that you just put in God's/Allah's/Chance's/Whatever hands.

New battery still seems to see slower vapor. But it it's nice and smooth. Maybe just breaking in ... or perhaps this trench not as finely grounded. No complaints Other than I KEEP TITLING THE FRIGGIN THING! Hahaha. Seriously ... I look down and half of it is on the font end of the trench.

Getting the feeling that you should definitely shake in between hits. Ah .... here comes the vapor cloud.

At this point ... it's a no brainer. The Magic Flight works ... screw the idea that it's only an "occasional" vape. This is the mother f'n "Wifi" of vaping. You can use it any day ... every day ... any WHERE. This isn't just for someone on a hiking trip. This is great for someone who moves from room to room in their home. For someone who wants a more "non-violating of others" device. I'm impressed ... period. And my GUT told me it wouldn't disappoint. Life time warranty? LOL ... LIFE TIME? Best bang for your buck in it's category .... PERIOD.

Vaporizes, Stealthy, cheap and "eco" heating source, "old-school" cool factor, and a "stoner-proof" warranty? Are you kidding? A+


Staff member
Nice review. I am sure you will enjoy you new friend. Karma coming your way............

I'm about to try my new powerex 2700s that just came in the mail. Maybe I'll post a real-time review as well.



Well-Known Member
Waiting for the batts to recharge and the crazy thing is I still have half of it left.

I forget ... can the stock batts be fast charged or not?

I bought 8 3000 mah batts on ebay I was going to test them. They're Japanesse batts I believe. I only spent a little over $5 for 8 of em.


Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
caseball2051 said:
thoughts out to you tc1. hope youre enjoying that box.

qucik question for yall. I recently bought some imedion 2400 batteries. I have 1 sanyo enelopps that shipped with my box. is it ok to charge 2 batteries with different MAH readings together? I dont think ive seen this question asked before

Interesting question. If you have the Maha C-9000, you can program each bay separately.

I think that unless you have a cheap charger, it should be fine. You don't have to match them based on how much they've been discharged, after all. As far as I know, each bay determines that capacity has been reached independently, and the tests I'm aware of depend on voltage and temperature, not capacity.

Caveat: this is just the opinion of some stoner on the facetubes.


tc1 said:
I forget ... can the stock batts be fast charged or not?

What do you mean by "fast charged"? 15 minute charging?


Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
caseball2051 said:
I thought I hadnt seen this discussed before, Pakalolo you are the MF king of answers!

Heh. As long as you don't come after me when your batteries vent...


Well-Known Member
I ordered a pack of 4 imedions so its not really an issue. Jus tsomething I was curious about before I did it.


Well-Known Member
I already looked it up ... stock batts can use a "fast" charger as long as it's a 1-2 hour charger. 15min not good. I don't BELIEVE the other charger I have is a 15min but guess I'll find out. :lol:

I build and fly rc planes/helis once in a while too so I have a pretty slick CPU charger that I can program just about anything you could think of in it.


Staff member
Review of my new powerex 2700s

They took about an hour and 15 minutes to charge on my stock charger.

I loaded 1/2 trench and paid close attention to the light as I slid the battery in. I appeared to be considerably brighter than my stock bats make it. The vapor came quicker - I'd say 3 seconds as opposed to the usual 6 seconds with my stock bats. I got a great rip and was able to pull much faster while still maintining the "hot" feel of the high-temp hit.

I'm liking this battery so far and would recommend it.

Does anyone know if I will get continued good performance with my stock charger? I really don't want to have to get a high end charger if I don't have to.


Edit: It does go through trenches a lot faster. So it may not be the most economical solution, but it does offer a different experience. I give it two (really stoned) thumbs up :brow:


Charles Urbane
caseball2051 said:
thoughts out to you tc1. hope youre enjoying that box.

qucik question for yall. I recently bought some imedion 2400 batteries. I have 1 sanyo enelopps that shipped with my box. is it ok to charge 2 batteries with different MAH readings together? I dont think ive seen this question asked before

edit: I have the stock 2 battery charger provided by MF. it is a sanyo charger.

Many chargers, including several MAHA smart chargers, charge in pairs. I have read somwhere (I can't recall where, possibly the Thomas Distributing site) these chargers should charge pairs of like mah capacity. It would either charge both to the lower capacity or ruin the one of lesser capacity. With the MAHA C-9000 and other similar chargers this is not an issue since each cell is independent of the others.


Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
chucku said:
Many chargers, including several MAHA smart chargers, charge in pairs. I have read somwhere (I can't recall where, possibly the Thomas Distributing site) these chargers should charge pairs of like mah capacity. It would either charge both to the lower capacity or ruin the one of lesser capacity. With the MAHA C-9000 and other similar chargers this is not an issue since each cell is independent of the others.

It's true that many chargers want pairs. I completely forgot that, and while I don't recall reading about using similar capacities it makes sense to me for non-smart chargers. If it insists on pairs then it won't terminate each battery individually.

Sorry caseball2051, but I did warn ya. Next time I will ask the Googles before speculating.


Well-Known Member
I know from reading through the thread that vaping hash out of one of these things presents some difficulties, due to the substance itself liquefying and gooping up the screen or something, right?

Has anyone tried fabricating some kind of adapter, or work around for this purpose yet?

Like maybe fitting a small glass tube inside the trench to hold the vaping material, or lining the trench with something heat conducting but non-permeable?


Vapor Vision
thanks for the review Stu with the mflb and the 2700 powerex's . I've had my MFLB since august and its used heavily when i'm out of the house. I will need to pick up some 2700 powerex's when I get a chance.


Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
CarltonBanks said:
I know from reading through the thread that vaping hash out of one of these things presents some difficulties, due to the substance itself liquefying and gooping up the screen or something, right?

Has anyone tried fabricating some kind of adapter, or work around for this purpose yet?

Like maybe fitting a small glass tube inside the trench to hold the vaping material, or lining the trench with something heat conducting but non-permeable?



Dead Foot Designs
Accessory Maker
I think this was mentioned early in this thread, but I want share something I found. When you push the battery in, look into the toke hole to see the light. Once the light starts to get cloudy from vapor, start your hit. Then, of course, take small breaths, stopping between breaths to let the element heat up. One you get the feel for this, you can control exactly how cloudy your hit will be.

I think a lot of people do like I did at first. They put the battery in, wait a couple of seconds, and then try to take a big hit. This immediately cools down the heating element and you get nothing. I like to look into the hole to gauge when to start the draw. It really helped me understand how to make this great unit work the way YOU want it to.
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