yeah, and most of the reviews of the roomba were negative, too. WRONG!!! the roomba is the greatest invention in the history of man. or at least a close second.but there're some bad reviews on amazon
My lsd Duracells are loose but I don't have to turn it. Maybe it is the way I hold the box (palmed overhand). I will try cutting the sleeve. What do you use to cut it?chloe said:I just bought more duracell lsd (rebranded eneloops, made in japan (white top)) so they are also loose fitting...I cut the plastic sleeve 1/3 off so it's still a snug fit but doesn't get in the way of the copper far it seemed to work nicely but I only tried once so far...battery seemed to die b4 the trench completed...these are new batteries so maybe after a few recharges I'll be able to better see
So I am guessing if the sleeve is required to be off for contact with the copper wiring than the battery needs to make contact at 2 points? the very tip and also the coil a bit further down?
used scissors to start the cut..and then ripped...that's weird..i'm gettn' very brown..i've even combusted (well my brother for keeping the battery in too long)....reece said:My lsd Duracells are loose but I don't have to turn it. Maybe it is the way I hold the box (palmed overhand). I will try cutting the sleeve. What do you use to cut it?chloe said:I just bought more duracell lsd (rebranded eneloops, made in japan (white top)) so they are also loose fitting...I cut the plastic sleeve 1/3 off so it's still a snug fit but doesn't get in the way of the copper far it seemed to work nicely but I only tried once so far...battery seemed to die b4 the trench completed...these are new batteries so maybe after a few recharges I'll be able to better see
So I am guessing if the sleeve is required to be off for contact with the copper wiring than the battery needs to make contact at 2 points? the very tip and also the coil a bit further down?
I haven't had any batteries die yet.
I also haven't been able to get the herb very brown. I'm thinking I need a separate avb jar for the box.
After what seems, to me, to be a long time, I just recharge the battery and dump the avb. It is signigicantly lighter than the other stuff.
I still have a bit of green in mine when I dump. Dark green but still green. And I go a long time before I reload the trench. The battery never dies. It starts to take a little longer for vapor to form but that is the only weakening of the battery I've said:that's weird..i'm gettn' very brown..i've even combusted (well my brother for keeping the battery in too long)....
Hi Reece,reece said:I ... haven't been able to get the herb very brown.
And this is why I like dealing with the artist and not a retailer. Thanx for standing 199% behind your product, especially in todays world of cookie cutter retail venues. Magic flight and all the other home grown and still doin it guys are SUPER BAD!magicflight said:Hi Reece,reece said:I ... haven't been able to get the herb very brown.
It sounds like you may have received a unit out of calibration (too cool). While I would love to say that our manufacturing process is 100% perfect, you should be able to have the material get brown given sufficient time (a few minutes of no draw conditions). Please send me an email with your mailing address and the number on the back of the unit and we will send you a warranty replacement Box.
-- Magic-flight
Wow, thank you so much. Email has been sent. Great customer service is so rare these days.magicflight said:Hi Reece,reece said:I ... haven't been able to get the herb very brown.
It sounds like you may have received a unit out of calibration (too cool). While I would love to say that our manufacturing process is 100% perfect, you should be able to have the material get brown given sufficient time (a few minutes of no draw conditions). Please send me an email with your mailing address and the number on the back of the unit and we will send you a warranty replacement Box.
-- Magic-flight
It is by design. Its ok -- we are all geeks toojohnny1980 said:I'm curious, I noticed when drawing really fast on the LB (I do this at the end of the hit to clear whatever vapour is inside) that there seems to be some vortex action in the chamber. You can see the herb swirling around and I'm wondering if this is by design or accident? Sorry, I'm a bit of a geek![]()
Thanks! Not hiring yet -- soon perhaps. We have full staff at the moment.purplechango said:Thanx for standing 199% behind your product, especially in todays world of cookie cutter retail venues. Magic flight and all the other home grown and still doin it guys are SUPER BAD!
Kinda makes me want to become the MF spokesperson or sales ummm you hiring?
You wont regret it. It takes vaping to a new level, and its a nice conversation starter!bluegrass58 said:Well I could not stand it anymore, I ordered a LB this morning. I have been lurking on this site for a long while, and looks like the LB will be perfect for me. I will drop a review when it comes in, but I am sure I will be happy.
I have one and it stinks, I would advise you to stick with the much more improved LB for the same price IMO the LT is useless... that's prolly why that thread died...purplechango said:you sooo impressed with the Launch Box that I think im gonna invest in the Launch Tube. This one sseems(at least to me) like one of those little tricks you pull out at a party!
kinda reminds me of something McGyver would have made up on the fly to get a quick buzz before taking out the bad guys! that is if McGyver liked the MJ
Anyone have one?
Hi,purplechango said:... I think i can re-tuck the corner, but i dont wanna cause damage to the LT.
Why is it that the simplest solution is the best. I was ready to perform microsurgery. So far its holding and looks good.magicflight said:Hi,purplechango said:... I think i can re-tuck the corner, but i dont wanna cause damage to the LB.
Go ahead and try the corner retuck (a wooden toothpick is a good tool for this). If you have any troubles and/or are unable to close the gap (ie, if material ends up below the screen), please send us a private note with your address and Box number and we will send you a functional warranty replacement unit.
-- Magic-flight
Hi,over9000 said:
not trying to go off-topic, but curious whether this is some sort of modded launch tube or I just haven't seen enough of your products to know if it is made my Magic-Flight.
I've been toying with the idea of putting a LED in one of my Boxes, but I haven't given it enough thought to try experimenting yet. I would, no doubt, destroy at least one Box in my efforts to figure out some way to construct it as elegantly as the Box said:maybe a green led to let the user know the unit is working as in producing vape...
This one is easy, and I suggested it eons ago, maybe in the beta thread. Still, it's my fault for not uploading a picture, which I promised to do, but never last thing I'd say for things to improve on, but I'm not sure how this would be possible is a way to remove hot batteries easier....