thanks fried!
mine came today
after 2 trenchfulls of fooling around with it
i have it figured out.
i'm impressed ..
it works better then expected 
and yes you can pull some damm heavy clouds
if you leave the batt on for a bit.
the only draw back is getting up enough batts
to keep up with the demand of use.
besides that, this little thing can be
practicly used anywhere
and without having to light something
even adds to it steath.

i'm very happy i got it
nice job magicflight

mine came today

after 2 trenchfulls of fooling around with it
i have it figured out.
i'm impressed ..

and yes you can pull some damm heavy clouds
if you leave the batt on for a bit.
the only draw back is getting up enough batts
to keep up with the demand of use.
besides that, this little thing can be
practicly used anywhere

and without having to light something
even adds to it steath.

i'm very happy i got it
nice job magicflight