Sorry, was a bit malnourished and off the rails. I try not to post here much cause of certain behavior. But, I will leave you with one last insight. Before I decided to drop the plan I was looking into using saionara coils. Probably a lot of people have heard about the sai wax tank, it's one of the most popular wax tanks on the market.
These would be a perfect fit for a negative connection and all you would have to do is come up with a way to insulate it and push a positive connection up.
You can get a 5 pack retail for $25 so $5 a piece and the whole thing can be done for $10. With very minimal work. You can probably get away with assembling only 3 parts and only work would be fitting it.
It would be very minimalistic so would not look jerry rigged which would be a huge plus if you were planning on selling them or something.
It has to be the non-bucket original sais, I should have mentioned that in the post.
I posted a bit about it here. (notice all the screw references only I ever use?
screws are cheap and legit, don't be hating on screws.)
I did a little mockup with a mock center pin, I don't really see a simpler or cheaper design.
For a center pin a rod is fine for using yourself, cause you know to keep it tight, but for consumers I would op for a high current spring loaded pin, and those can be order in any size and cheap af. MFLB runs on really high amps and will heat up pretty quickly with loose connections.
Something like this, but order to spec.
I would say the project is very worthwhile. I can see a dual 18650 mod being able to run the MFLB for over a week with no recharge (I run dual 18650 and a chain ecig vapor running at 40w and I only recharge like 2x a week) And you know how well it runs. I don't run a mflb, but it's like 15w so you would have to recharge them way less often.
That was actually gonna be my game changer plan, running for weeks on 1 charge.
Some people say it and I can fully back it up. Future of portable vapes! Bitch!
(maybe not with using the mflb, but some type of similar heating system)
I know 1 day battery life is fine for most people, but if effency is really high you can start reducing the size and other stuff I might not be aware of like if you're in the bush solar charging or something. (only thing that matters is it's better, and being better carries itself)
SUPER THANKS!!!!!! if anyone else working on this is blocking me (besides Choices cause he is super cool, I made this post for him actually), I don't want you to see my ideas and have to reply to invalid criticism. If I could of block them from seeing my post from the beginning, I would have 100% done it, but that wasn't an option.