The Lotus Vaporizer


Well-Known Member
if you can build a vape that the air comes from the sides, not from the opposide site of the plate, it won't ruin the patent maybe?


Putin is a War Criminal
The value of the incoming air coming from underneath (for me at least) is that you can't pick up waste from the butane into the airpath. Whether it is a bad torch or cheap butane, you won't be breathing its exhaust. That is why I always preferred the Lotus to the Daisy or the SB.


Well-Known Member
the problem is the price. the maker wants 100,000$, but we live in an era that people want "High Surface Area" vapes like Tafee Bowle/TP80/TM/CL/Herbo/CH/Z8 and Lotus is not something that has a lot of surface area or big Volume.

Vapman had luck beause it's very very small thing I think. so people find a place for it. I'm sure the price was less than 100,000$ with Vapman.

Think why Lotus got Discontinued in the first place..

I really hope that somebody purchased Lotus company, the terpenes take you higher


Well-Known Member
the problem is the price. the maker wants 100,000$, but we live in an era that people want "High Surface Area" vapes like Tafee Bowle/TP80/TM/CL/Herbo and Lotus is not something that has a lot of surface area or big Volume.

Vapman had luck beause it's very very small thing I think. so people find a place for it. I'm sure the price was less than 100,000$ with Vapman.
I have no idea how these things are valued, but as you point out, the Lotus becomes less directly competitive with time and technological development. Seems like if some sort of deal could be made, one might revive the thing before it looks obsolete, and even if one partner doesn't get one big pile of cash, he may get many small piles of cash while someone else takes on the headaches. Meanwhile, a 'classic' version becomes classic, and new developments become possible and the thing stays alive.


New Member
I am half determined to find a flameless way to heat my lotus. Induction rod or concentrated heat beam possibly? I feel like it could happen in the near future!
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Grass Yes

Staff member
I am half determined to find a flameless way to heat my lotus. Induction rod or concentrated heat beam possibly? I feel like it could happen in the near future!
I see this come up on a few of these torch-driven vape threads. Out of curiosity, why?

There are lots of great non-flame vapes, so I assume it is just for fun? The desire to tinker and invent?
Grass Yes,


Unapproved commercial account.
Why not save yourself the money and design a vape that functions the same (heat while hitting, with an isolated airpath and fast heatup time)? Then you can put the money you would otherwise spend on getting the rights to the patent on production.

Hell, PM me and I can give you a design that does exactly this and is very different from the lotus.
PM'd! Reason I love the lotus is because it doesn't cook your green while getting the plates to temp and I have not found a better tasting vape out there and I've tried them all.


They will be punched and dimpled using a specially designed press

The intention is to respect the process of the patents so whatever that looks like!

Here is your chance to be DIRECT and HONEST with potential customers, your response is important:

Did you purchase the company, or any of the rights or patents from @Max Jitter ?

Your vague responses insinuate you have not.

It is known by everyone in here that @Max Jitter has been trying to sell his company. For you to come in here and blatantly try to rip off all his designs AND steal his customer base out of his own thread takes some huge fucking balls.

Selling some hot plates is one thing, but you have ripped off all his designs as best as a rat possibly could and are openly plagiarizing while the guy is trying to sell his business. That is fucking low. You are stealing from him and that shit should not be tolerated, much less on this site.

@HughJundys @Stu @pakalolo @macbill @vtac - your thoughts?
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Well-Known Member
Dude the idea of selling spare plates is really nice, and as long as they dont break any of the original patents go for it!
It will revive an old good Vape to some people and solve a problem that the original owner created by abandoning ship.
I rarely use mine since I cant get new plates anymore and thats pretty bad for a device that will otherwise survive apocalypse.

However after clicking your survey and seeing your plans I can only hope you have either bought the company or have 100% backup from the maker, which I highly doubt. So whatever your planning there enlighten us, but if you think you reinvented the wheel by changing some minor things in the original design you will fail greatly with this idea and the community will go bananas :)


Vapor Freak
Hell, PM me and I can give you a design that does exactly this and is very different from the lotus.
Heya, I'm not planning on manufacturing anything, but am always interested to hear, are you planning on keeping the idea private or would you be willing to share it?


Vapor Freak
Over the last two years, I have been using the Lotus with my own technique, and today I want to share it with you

In my opinion, the thing that discouraged most users that did not purchase a Lotus or did not use it much was the heating technique. The need to develop a feel for how even a 2D plate is heated.
I mean, some users have difficulty heating a single dimension on a Dynavap evenly....

Instead of carefully crafting an even flower-shaped heating path for my flame, I decided to remove the useless stirring stick on the bottom of the Lotus cap to allow it to spin freely.
Spinning the cap takes care of the rotary dimension, now all I need to focus on is vertical movement to heat up the edges and center of the plate.

Unfortunately, he magnets on the aluminum stem that comes with the lotus will also prevent the cap from spinning, so it is not possible to use this technique with it. I have taken a wooden pipe (inherited from grandpa), and converted it to vaping, simply inserting a 14/18mm glass adapter, it fits perfectly.

Here is a video showcasing the ease of use of my Lotus technique, I highly recommend you at least give it a try

About the video - I must say, the second hit was not as good as it could've been, the flame I use is usually a bit shorter in length. I am also quite high to begin with :p

On an unrelated note - I suggest you always wipe the top before use, it keeps the oxidation pure and the hot plate produces such a beautiful color pattern for the flower shape, just look at this gorgeous motherfucker!

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Putin is a War Criminal
Funny, I never seemed to have a problem heating the cap in a circular motion. Has always worked quite well for me. I can't imaging how spinning the cap would be any easier. I will admit that I usually use the Lotus WPA on glass, but even if I was using a stem it isn't hard to use. And I DO find the stir stick useful to get the most out of a bowl.
Nothing wrong with the way you do it, of course, but just not necessary for me.


Well-Known Member
Funny, I never seemed to have a problem heating the cap in a circular motion. Has always worked quite well for me. I can't imaging how spinning the cap would be any easier.
You can achieve the same amount of vapor if you preheat, he doesn't preheat at all (!)
what he does is like... raising the velocity of the air that comes inside the vape, so it's more turbulent...(higher Reynolds number...) and it enables the option to skip preheating.
so it also saves gas. I just don't like spending a lot of energy spinning it as you've mentioned, tried this method before. I prefer to preheat. but I've removed my pick tool ! thanks for this tip.

because there's no preheat I think the taste is slightly better maybe. anyway, the Lotus brings great flavour either way...


Well-Known Member
I do believe I can use the normal heating technique of the Lotus without pre-heating, I don't think that's the advantage of my technique
What you're doing is just raising the velocity of the air.... by spinning.... the heater is still the same... the dimensions matter if you would make the "Cartesian" plate of the Lotus, somehow, into a cylinder or something with volume.... the heater is still a Cartesian is not being converted to a Cylinder or another shape...... the speed of the air.... welcome to the turbo world ;)

velocity is being raised - higher Re number - more turbulent
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