The Lotus Vaporizer


Well-Known Member
Happy Friday! Joining you briefly before I head out on an adventure. Cheers!

Dr. G

***Old Resident*** Vapman Collector
happy lotus friday (with a little help from the vapman) ...

og lotus on a rio rig and the Vapman Pure (Kotibé, Fungi Special Edition, Italian) ...

have a great weekend everybody!

I love this photo...the water bong is perfect. Enjoy and Cheers.
Dr. G,
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Well-Known Member
Yeah that was my experience with direct draw butane vapes, like I was about to puke. I had designed and commissioned a really unique one too, essentially impossible to combust with and made from 100% glass so I could truly eliminate wood as a plausible irritant.

By far some of the best flavor I ever had in a vape though.
Did you isolate it to the wood being the issue ?
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