Space is the Place
That's what I call a stretch of a load! Never tried this but will for sure.
At almost 37 now I still like my clouds big and dense. I really like the sensations the thick vapor gives me coming out of my nose slowly while exhaling. And people usually say I look like 25-28 so…
Some times I like to take it easy as well and stretch my load as much as I can, usually while watching some show or movie. I would love a Vapman for those times of the day. But I don't find it very discreet. Stealthier than the Lotus, yes but not by much. Lighter is always noisy so it depends on the situation. Two many clicks with the Vapman to get those sequences. A beach yes. A movie theater no for example. That's why I have ordered myself an Indica. For those stealthy occasions… Until I get a Crafty that is with it's tasty convection vapor like the Lotus…With the Lotus stealth means a two minute visit at the restroom and be done in no time! And I have done it so many times…
There is no real stealthy butane vape now as far as I'm concerned. I'm sure the indica is much better in truly public use. But since you haven't yet used the Vapman you can't reasonably compare it to your lotus.
It is much more discreet than the lotus, Hands Down. Also only takes one click and 4 seconds on a torch per hit after the first which you would know if you had used one. 2-3 seconds more and it hits nearly as big as the lotus. Until you taste a vapman or for that matter a crafty you don't know what either tastes like.
Throughout your posts it seems to me You always assume a lot of negatives about vapes you yourself have never used and push your love of the lotus. I own two lotus vapes along with most others i post about and If I don't own them I have used them and/or have regular access to them.
I generally have used the vapes i talk about. Otherwise when I compare two vapes I'm just Farting in the wind.
Edit; I'll fully admit the lotus on my orbiter is one of the quickest biggest hitting vapes i own and lots of fun to boot but then it's not an on-the-go portable when used that way.
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