Yes.can this beauty combust in any case?
Edward Hyde - Hope I got back to you with an email.
I am finding that combustion is a product of the heat energy being input and the surface area to which that heat energy is being applied. Stirring or grinding creates more surface area which can lead to combustion. Stirring can also block air flow which prevents heat energy from being taken away and it builds up. I have been just placing unground material in the tube and then pressing it into a flat top plug. The air flows evenly through the plug and heats up the entire mass. I am amazed at how clean the screen has been staying. I'm roasting with a fixed voltage power supply at around 12.2V.
jam - Thanks for posting the video. Filling the glass quite well.
No, that does not mean that. Combustion will definitely depend on Temp, and ability to move air through or around material. However the number one variable to combustion is that means that with the HI no stiring + not too fine grinding makes it harder to combust?
No, that does not mean that. Combustion will definitely depend on Temp, and ability to move air through or around material. However the number one variable to combustion is temp.
There are many different ways to utilize the HI. Consequently, you will have to make adjustments with each setup whether it be using a solid roasting tube, nylon with SS tip, glass nipple, ect. You will also have to make temp changes when vaping dry versus vaping through i got that but what i am saying is that if i got it well alan said that with the HI its better to not stir or grind too fine...wich compared to other vaporizer i had untill now its a bit different...
There are many different ways to utilize the HI. Consequently, you will have to make adjustments with each setup whether it be using a solid roasting tube, nylon with SS tip, glass nipple, ect. You will also have to make temp changes when vaping dry versus vaping through H2O.
I'm running mine at 12.1 right now, and have not been getting combustion, though the SS tip the load will look pretty black on top when I am done, but it does not taste burned. I have combusted several times when trying to dial in the voltage, settled on 12.1v because I was getting constant results with that an my SS tip. I do use the glass stems, just not as often as the SS tip. I like being able to just drop the HI on the ss tip and go hands free for a couple of hits. Then it's spent, and I reload. I'm sure draw speed also plays it's role, each bubbler requires different draw speed. This Mobius Clear has the most even.steady pull of all the glass I have used. Some of the others that have that chug feeling tend to draw differently, like the airflow is being interrupted by the chug... if that makes any sense...
Dang... I don't have a Matrix. Now, I feel I'm not getting the full HI experience.
On the tip, I found if I stuff it, but don't really pack it, just press down the top... full milky. I also noticed that the load won't blow out if it's not done. I usually use the suck method to...![]()
From someone who calls themselves vapingHOLE. TMIAll this talk of tubes and loads and blowing makes me want to...