Oh c'mon, pretty clever I thought.
So for those that remember, my Bocote HI developed a vertical crack running along the whole length of the unit shortly after I received it back in February. Being the customer service god that he his, Alan immediately offered me a replacement unit, but we agreed to let him work through the waiting list for a while so others could get their units. After all, mine was still functional (and still is perfectly functional to this day), it just had a rather obvious crack.
A few days ago, Alan emailed suggesting that we finally get my replacement unit taken care of. Here's what's on its way to my door now:
This is a testament to Alan's customer service:
a) he didn't ask me to return my cracked unit.
b) he didn't even ask to see a
picture of the crack.
c) the new unit is totally free, including the shipping.
d) he was willing to let me wait even longer for my replacement unit just in case I wanted to pick a different one other than the two Maple Burl units he offered.
e) alan fucking rules, end of story.