The HI


Wow, busy place! Glad to see the list growing. New computer desk! Look at all the room for vapes!!!


Low-Temp Hempist / JedHI Master
Outstanding, cluffy!!

Well, FUCK!! I can't put my HI down. While my HIDS is cured, I've now developed HIOD (HI obsessive disorder). Alas, I'm afraid there's no cure.

Godspeed, JedHIs. Godspeed.

u bwade wunner

Well-Known Member
Love youre desk cluffy.looks perfect for vaping shennanagins.

loving the reignited thread.I ve been flat out working in my shed making a log vape:) and am just getting round to catch up now.Thanks for the porn.especially the two together ghostvapor:tup:.boobs that tube is what I ve been looking for,One day.

Thats so true Doctor VH.I m not surprised to hear about your'e HIOD..I got it bad too after I recieved my HI..your'e tiger maple is a beauty.have you thought about rejoining the list again yet?:lol:.HIOD made me order more from Alan.Its a great unit so I have no issues and will always have room for some more His.Godspeed to that:).

just hit my relieved to chill after being a work straighthead all day.

Welcome Ace MTFBWY Too

shadow fox,The MFLB and the Hi were meant to be together.You chose wisely.
u bwade wunner,
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tuscan tins

Active Member
You need a gallery TV!! We all need something to drool over... :)

Addendum: TV, where do you get your silicon tubing again? I saw it somewhere in this thread but I can't seem to find it... I'd like to make something like bOObs did with his tubes - HI -> Glass tube -> Silicon whip. It might be a nice change of pace.
tuscan tins,


Master JedHI
Looking good GhostVapor. Glad you got the voltage tester figured out. The model number that works is BM-6810

ioright - Things are pretty crazy here. I did finish boring and tapering some glass tubes tonight. Just need to flame polish them and they are ready to go. Then I will be ready for some wood working. The videos are all quite good and but can make the wait agonizing.

Great video staticsunn. Thanks for posting it and the photos. The silicone is Silcon brand from US Plastics. They have many different sizes. Amazing the things you can do with silicone tubing.
I do indeed need a gallery. Hopefully some day.

Thanks for posting the photos and videos bOObs. Always so helpful.

wonderfox - Most of the tubes have been the result of crazy experiments. The one staticsunn is holding is the all glass roasting tube. The wooden tube for bOObs MFLB is one that I made. It has a 1/4" stainless steel tube that fits into the LB. The bore of the tube is almost 1/4". The airflow is much better.
I haven't met a vaporizer that I haven't modified somehow.

cluffy - Nice computer / vaporizer desk. You have all the bases covered. Thanks for posting the photo.

Vapinghole - I know the HIOD only too well. Must make more vaporizers.

u bwade wunner - Looking forward to see your vaporizer. Very fun to roast with something you made yourself.

Jeppy - I should have photos of most of the HI's I have made. I try to always get at least one photo.

GratefulVapor - Very generous of you. We will get you a HIsaber before too much longer. Thanks for your patience.
I'm glad you could fess up. :|

Oh c'mon, pretty clever I thought.

So for those that remember, my Bocote HI developed a vertical crack running along the whole length of the unit shortly after I received it back in February. Being the customer service god that he his, Alan immediately offered me a replacement unit, but we agreed to let him work through the waiting list for a while so others could get their units. After all, mine was still functional (and still is perfectly functional to this day), it just had a rather obvious crack.

A few days ago, Alan emailed suggesting that we finally get my replacement unit taken care of. Here's what's on its way to my door now:


This is a testament to Alan's customer service:

a) he didn't ask me to return my cracked unit.
b) he didn't even ask to see a picture of the crack.
c) the new unit is totally free, including the shipping.
d) he was willing to let me wait even longer for my replacement unit just in case I wanted to pick a different one other than the two Maple Burl units he offered.
e) alan fucking rules, end of story.


here for the chicks
Cool lines there OK :tup:

I guess I can show off mine as well.

Boobs, let me present to you your HI's evil twin brother:



It's not on it's way yet, but it will be as soon as I stop bothering Alan with questions about all the different kind of stems he offers I'm sure :lol:


Well-Known Member
on the list since feb and you guys get two before i get one weak for me sweet for you.. cant wait to get HI someday hopefully soon in the meantime im still pretty high just want to get HI
on the list since feb and you guys get two before i get one weak for me sweet for you.. cant wait to get HI someday hopefully soon in the meantime im still pretty high just want to get HI

I think I got my Bocote HI just before the waiting list got extremely crazy. I'm guessing your turn will be coming up very soon tig420, since VapingHole recently received his HI and I think he got on the waiting list a week or two after me. When I placed my first order, I didn't have to wait on a list at all. When it rains, it pours I guess.
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