Vapinghole - Thanks for posting the videos. The glass nipple seems to be working well for you.
Darn right, my man! Those glass nipples work quite well indeed (many of you don't know, but I now have 5 nipples

). As you may have noticed, I've removed the turbo tube, leaving only the silicone, screen, and nipple--the glass "silinipple," if you will

. It's quite convenient with my current glass setup, and I love having two (or sometimes three) silinipples loaded and ready.
But I still dig the all-glass roasting tube--a lot! I like that it requires technique to get your 'roast' just the way you like it. Testing is fun, something I think is needed with many vapes in order to find one's sweet spot. I'm still messing with VVPS settings and HIsaber-wielding techniques to get it "just so."
I'm proud to own, hold (ok...caress), use, and just plain admire my custom HI.
(yes, I just used it)