@Been Vapin ! I now am only smelling "heat" I think...otherwise the plastic smell is extremely faint. I don't think it's affecting taste. The stock tubing forsure I can smell and taste, but I haven't done a long ISO it even advisable? Do you really think it will help? I have a feeling it is simply the material it is made from, but regardless I prefer the more open 7th floor tubing and direct bowl connection.
So i'm fairly medicated after doing some testing with my Herbie, Cloud+, and about rotating vapes and a couple of different! I used a 1/8th teaspoon (didn't bother weighing) but the point is more so it's consistent across all 3 devices.
Mated with my glass medium sized china birdcage bubbler, with the Herbie on max temp I used a 8" length tubing...result (no fan assist) medium sized blue clouds, extracted fully after several whispy hits. ABV light brown with some green flecks.
Same size load same strain in the E-Nano on temp 6.25, first hit massive dense cloud near smoke like but not, still greenish abv, 2nd hit medium sized cloud, ABV light-med. brown.
Same size load same strain in the Cloud+ at 12:00, toasted to med. brown ABV after 1 massive dense cloud near smoke like but not.
Overall, I liked the Herbie last mated with glass, regardless of the length of tubing I used. The Cloud+ and E-Nano are simply designed for glass more, but even with an airtight connection, I couldn't whitewall the same strains with the Herbie. I know the fan assist helps greatly with this, but is also harsh on the lungs. I also found the Herbie to be the harshest of all 3 on max temp, for obvious reasons. But this is what is needed to roast the ABV to at least light brown. I know it's different when you ramp up the temps from low to high, and ABV can be much darker, or with larger loads.
Just before I was going to end it for the night, I decided to do a few more runs just with the tubing dry no water piece. I dialed back the temp....(still don't understand vito's thing about ramping temp up then down, if the temp is 200c, should it not matter if it was 225c previously since it's cooled down?) and ripped it fairly hard and was pleasantly surprised with flavour that I wasnt getting at Max temp as expected! Rookie mistake! Doh! So they I ramped up and was surprised how much longer the session lastest and I actually didn't mind the whip for that particular session and taste as well. I'll have to do some more testing with it dry.
So far i'm concluding that I wonder if maybe I should just leave the water aside with this particular vape and leave the glass for the nano, cloud, and solo. The Herbie actually irritates and bothers me at its higher temps through water, maybe because I always take monster hits lol. But with the whip it really does feel so smooth and silky, and the vapour quality and colour can't be matched. I need more time, but i'm warming up to it, i think i just need to get the best quality whips on the planet, and a bunch of replacement bags.