Discontinued The Hammer Vaporizer


@paytonpenn ~ nice setup! Glad to see you pull it together, would you share what hardware and connectors you are using?

Having only used the Hammer the last week while traveling, I was very satisfied and was able to avoid combustion during a bachelor party of smokers... may think I have converted one or two in the process as well.

Unfortunately the rubber locking seal broke on day 1, but we managed to use it anyway. I can tell the performance difference was difficult to master without a seal, and lots of butane flavor was obtained. I am thrilled to try again with the seal (now that I am home) and am pleased it is as good as before.

In spite of the setback, we got to vape all weekend!

It cannot be said enough, but my biggest and possibly only real gripe is that the stock stems look exactly like crack pipes. They really make an awful and horrible first impression on the "uninitiated." But hell, they also get the same exact reaction even when presented to seasoned and lifelong smokers.

I threw my Hammer crack pipe away this this trip and likely will only be using this device with Ed's moving forward.
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Well-Known Member
The bag and hammer would be a fun thing to pass around at a kickback! Wish this was an option for hammer users. I'll have to try and make one! Thanks paytonpenn for the vids.


Level 30 Nature/Healer
Flame lock concept

@paytonpenn ~ nice setup! Glad to see you pull it together, would you share what hardware and connectors you are using?

Herbalizer SqueezeValve bags, I would much prefer to use the 14mm gong for the Hammer but mine broke recently.
Herbalaire HO Pump, 5/16" ID x 7/16" OD Silcon Tubing, 1/4" ID x 3/8" OD Silcon Tubing, Underdog thin tubing.
I used my Infinity base as a stand with a paperclip to hold it in place. Also a screen inside the Hammer as a just in case.
The only thing we really need is a stand, if only @Ratchett also had a Hammer.


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Flame lock concept

Herbalizer SqueezeValve bags, I would much prefer to use the 14mm gong for the Hammer but mine broke recently.
Herbalaire HO Pump, 5/16" ID x 7/16" OD Silcon Tubing, 1/4" ID x 3/8" OD Silcon Tubing, Underdog thin tubing.
I used my Infinity base as a stand with a paperclip to hold it in place. Also a screen inside the Hammer as a just in case.
The only thing we really need is a stand, if only @Ratchett also had a Hammer.
@paytonpenn , you rang? ha ha (I love tagging)

If someone can sketch a basic design or show how they'd like their hammer to sit, I'm sure I could come up with a stand - it doesn't look like it'd be too hard to make a something basic (I already have a few ideas in my head)...


Well-Known Member
If I have the hammer, should I even be looking at logs? I feel it'd be easier, plus I hear desktops are that great. I mean the hammer's definitely doing it, but I keep looking into the logs.

I saw paytonpenns comparison video too.


I find my Nano to be a bit more effective on the same amount of material; for me it provides larger but fewer pulls than my Hammer.

Temp is always right on with the log, Hammer is more of a dance to maintain the right temps, like with the lotus you balance your pull with the amount of flame, and there are more variables at play.


Level 30 Nature/Healer
If I have the hammer, should I even be looking at logs? I feel it'd be easier, plus I hear desktops are that great. I mean the hammer's definitely doing it, but I keep looking into the logs.

I saw paytonpenns comparison video too.
I don't think logs are going to do it any more than the Hammer is, desktops are nice and convenient but aren't going to introduce something you haven't seen with Hammer except "precise" temperature control.
I personally think its about whether or not you'd actually need their convenience or if you're just being smitten with VAS.

How hot does your Hammer get? @FlyingLow
Have you increased the internal dial. I can't see why the Hammer can't provide the same vapor production besides not being up to temp.


I had increased the dial, and played with the extremes of low and high temp vaping with it... The only thing I have not don't with it is concentrates.

Most of the time, including this last trip, I keep it on the higher end of the heat spectrum. After just 2-3 bowls, the whole top half of the device is HOT to the touch.
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New Member
Hi guys, i' having a little issue with my hammer, i just got it today ad i only have one butane can, when i put it in the hammer refill hole and press, the butane spread and splash pretty much everywere exept of in the hammer....
Is that normal, am i doing something wrong?

Thx for any help/advices, i only have one full butan can at home and can't use my hammer :((


Heatup times are typically about 15-25 seconds when I start, then after the 2nd bowl I typically back off to a 5+ second heat up.

FWIW, I typically use the stock crack pipe when traveling, and I use Ed's while in-town.

@yomen9 ~ Try taking a pointed tip and press the little nipple where you would ordinarily fill up. Press it in, and all the gasses and butane should purge out of the nozzle. Keep pressing the nipple down until no more gasses escape. Once completely empty, try to fill the Hammer again and see if you have better luck.
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Level 30 Nature/Healer
@yomen9 That happens with my newport can, I have to press quite hard and actually make sure its connected, its less likely to occur when purged (probably due to there not being butane inside already) but I never had the issue with my other lighters.

@FlyingLow Does your Hammer flame sputter out when the dial is too high? How fast do you inhale? How often have you combusted?
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If I click one more internal notch up, and crank the dial all the way to the top, it will sputter out. But it will not sputter out at the levels I am at and run.

I vary the draw speed depending on how its heating up. It really varies from slow to fast, depending on what kind of feedback I am getting from the heat on my tongue. Most draws are 10-15 seconds long with heat on, then continuing to pull for another few 5+ seconds.

Sure I have combusted a few times, but that is literally out of many hundreds of sessions since this past April. It is a rare occurrence that has probably happened less than 5 times since I really became accustomed to hitting it. Now if I go hard, I can sense it and back off when I am getting a charred top. So I will back down the heat until I find the sweet spot again.

I have combusted far more often with the Lotus :(
I get sooooo ambitious with the Lotus, but for the most part I cash those bowls in 1-1.5 draws.


Well-Known Member
I don't think logs are going to do it any more than the Hammer is, desktops are nice and convenient but aren't going to introduce something you haven't seen with Hammer except "precise" temperature control.
I personally think its about whether or not you'd actually need their convenience or if you're just being smitten with VAS.

How hot does your Hammer get? @FlyingLow
Have you increased the internal dial. I can't see why the Hammer can't provide the same vapor production besides not being up to temp.

Yeah the sale is just so tempting and the wood selection is looking real nice.

I keep my hammer to the same if I move it up it will start blowing itself out, the gas keeps pouring out (still lit) for a second or so before going out after I take my finger off the trigger. I usually keep it all the way now to eat it up, sometimes the head will be super hot, but the vapor I get isn't too thick. I guess I'd have to heat it up longer next hit, but sometimes it'll just be super hot air or the herb will get real dark and have that taste.

My technique is probably still not the best I guess since I go through 3 loads per tank. After three some butane might will probably be left, but it's too low to heat the hammer up and finish the bowl.


Well-Known Member
Few weeks ago i broke my pnp water tool so I quickly picks up the d020 since it was 30 dollars shipped and has a lot of good reviews. So I've been using the hammer with it and this is the level I didn't kno the hammer could hit. With the stem facing down there is less chance for any combustion which means I could hit higher temps with longest draws. Once I got it up to temp I was getting huge rips which reminded me of something like the old gbong hits with the 2 liter and bucket haha. I was using the silicon 14mm on the stem which worked out well.


Well-Known Member
Isn't the d020 an 18 mm? That's all I see on the site anyway. It also comes out to about $40 with shipping for me, if we're looking at sunshinestore


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Hey all!

Just an update - I will have the Hammer vaporizer in my hands for a few days to build a custom upright stand for the Hammer. While I have the device, is there any other accessories you guys think you might like to see designed for the vape? (It's easier to design stuff while I have a physical unit in my hands)
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Over the falls, in a barrel
Hey all!

Just an update - I will have a Hammer vaporizer in my hands for a few days to build a custom upright stand for the Hammer. While I have the device, is there any other accessories you guys think you might like to see designed for the vape? (It's easier to design stuff while I have a physical unit in my hands)
I wonder if you could come up with something to make the grip more ergonomic, like @marduk did with sugru:

Had some Sugru about to expire, so I made my Hammer more ergonomic. It's SO much easier not having to scrunch up your hand to grip the bottom when you're holding down that stiff switch.

It seems like it would be difficult though. Might just have to get myself some sugru...
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Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
I wonder if you could come up with something to make the grip more ergonomic, like @marduk did with sugru:

It seems like it would be difficult though. Might just have to get myself some sugru...

Sugru works good. Though I make a home made version called "Oogoo" which is basically 100% clear silicon and corn starch mixed thoroughly (they don't like to mix, it takes a lot of effort) - add linseed oil baised paint (found in the artistic paint section of hobby stores) for color. I suggest you experiment first before trying to apply to your Hammer! (You probably want to add a LOT of corn starch if you want it to be hand moldable). - this is the same material I use for stoppers (sold on my etsy store) - though I use aquarium grade silicon for those plugs so they are 100% non-toxic (regular cheap 100% clear silicon should be sufficient for an ergonomic grip like you want)

I could make a mold and make those silicon grips, but I'll have to look at how complex the base is before I can determine how feasible something like that would be
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