I have received my hammer from Vapefiend (cost me 80 pounds = 160 dollar) and I still love it!

I also wish I could live in USA. (Land of Vaporizer

The Hammer definitely outperform, my Wispr2 and MFLB.

I do acknowledge that there are million users of MFLB will defend their vaporizer is da best

, but I really don't think so.

I have various vaporizers to compare and this straight became my top of the list on first use!
My best portable vaporizer list atm are
1. Firefly (No doubt da best!)
2. Arizer Solo (I have two solo, which are not solo anymore

3. The Hammer
If you are looking for pure convection, go for Firefly, or Thermovape Cera. (But there is learning curve)
If you are looking for 1~3 quick hit, which are more like hitting bong go for Hammer!
One to three hits from the Hammer are equivalent to full 12min session from Solo. (Same buzzing)
I never had any combustion issue or taste butane. (Ofcourse I can smell some, as its operated by Butane, If you want to complain about butane smell, try Iolite vaporizers lol

If you experience combustion try lower the temperature setting about to middle.