Covered in Peepaws
I keep joking with my friend who is also a backer that it seems like we will finally get ours on the one year anniversary of the indigogo campaign!!
yaaayyyyy lol

To quote Jay-z :"No two days are alike except the first and fifteenth pretty much". Eagerly awaiting next update![]()
Nah the 1yr anniversary watch lolmy guess is Christmas.
I can see the earlybird/plain ss models being released by sept/oct, and then (if everything goes smoothly with the ss models) the ti/colored models rolling out in time for black friday![]()
Ok I call the indigogo 1yr anniversary date!I can see a bunch of random guessing.
Y'all should start a pool or something- closest prediction wins bragging rights.
Why should the colors matter and differentiate that much in timeline?1st ones' out the door Oct 26th...Ti colors' shipped on Dec. 3rd...![]()
Is the process like adonizing?maybe color is harder on ti?
1st ones' out the door Oct 26th...Ti colors' shipped on Dec. 3rd...![]()
Sounds good to me , but when will the non backers be able to get 1? and how much will they be again? i think someone told me but i forget and can't find.
thats true but if it was released july 4th, i think itll have a better time selling.I really believe that at least the ss model will be available for the holidays, definitely online but also hopefully in stores. I would think this has to be a make-or-break kind of goal in the zenhopper team's mind.
Considering how long this product has taken to come to market, what do you think the consumer tolerance level will be if it goes through the same kind of growing pains as say, the Cloud (now the EVO) has had to go through, and those growing pains is very likely considering that this typically happens with any new product, especially product that breaks new ground by pushing the envelope of what was previously available.
You guys who have provided monies to see this product come to fruition have been extremely patient with the delays, but I do think it wise to expect these kinds of growing pains when it finally is released and I hope that the GH team will take this into consideration and provide special treatment to the early adopters, at least for after the 1st year that the vape becomes available.
It sounds like you guys think that whatever they end up releasing won't be a finished product. I am hoping for the opposite, that they get this right the first time out of the gate and hit the ground running.