I don't really understand people wanting to make their Grasshoppers more attractive, hence, more noticeable.
Some of what drew me to this vaporizer were it's stealth qualities. I want mine to be unobtrusive and remarkably plain. What's the use of stealth if everyone notices how good looking it is?
Stealth is the least important feature on my list for this vape. Plus, I still say it is not very stealthy to suck on a pen with a bunch of glowing leds and then let out a huge cloud of vapor (I know I am in the minority in this viewpoint).
I'm not saying the Grasshopper isn't stealthy, I just think the main reason it is stealthy is it's ability to clear a bowl as quickly as it seems to. IMO the form factor really only makes it stealthy when you are not actively using it, like leaving it on the table in a restaurant (of course the smell will give it away pretty quickly).
I mean, who are you trying to please? Do you really want other people to be impressed with your purchase, because I don't! I want to be able to use this in public without people having their eyes drawn to the pen at all.
I'm trying to please me. I want to be happy looking at it every time I take it out of the case to use.
But TBCH, I'd also rather pass a friend the latest jewel rather than yesterday's turd. I buy all my fun tech in part on how it looks, it's form factor, it's design. From the beginning I have been impressed with the intelligence that went into the technological design of this vape which is why I don't really care that the clips don't match (even though I wish they did).
I guess if you plan on primarily using this at home, that is another matter, but then again, why buy a stealthy portable vaporizer to use at home? There are better ways to use your vaporizer money.
I bought this specifically for home use (knowing full well I wouldn't leave it home alone on a Saturday night). I have seen no other vaporizer, desktop or portable, that will suit my needs/usage at home better than this.
I'm a single dad with three small, curious children so I need to be quick and discreet. I can't disappear for 15-20 minutes to set up, load, use, break-down and clean a big desktop (wait until after bedtime? bite your tongue).
My current portable works fine but the Grasshopper will make my life so much easier.
I don't mean to come across as preachy, but it really does seem to be a contradiction between it's stated purpose and users desires to make it pretty.
And I don't mean to come across as contradictory. From what I can find, it's stated purpose is to be "Powerful, durable and discreet, and to push the boundary of what's possible". Discretion (stealth) is just one part of that equation.
Everyone will have a different set of reasons why they make one decision over another. I admit though, it is really hard when you know the other guy is just wrong

Hope that helps.