Discontinued The Grasshopper

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Please no one fall for this shit, they should be ashamed of themselves for charging more than $100 max for these unsupported outdated products that will likely not even work out of the box or just soon fail without any recourse at all for the customers then:
They have the OG plain as well, buyer beware


Well-Known Member
@Shit Snacks
Vaporific/Chosty was the Canadian distributor for Hopper Labs when they were still in business. We found these remaining og hoppers and accessories while doing some cleaning in the warehouse. We only have 2x SS hoppers and a couple of each accessory left in inventory *edit the Ti hopper sold as we were typing this*. Once they’re gone that’s all she wrote. Everything is brand new and has been tested by us and will be sold in working condition. The products do not have any warranty and are final sale as listed in the product descriptions. Customers who purchase these items are aware of the circumstances. Lots of Chosty customers still have working hoppers and need batteries, parts and accessories so we’re doing our best to help them out with a discontinued product line.
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Old & In the Way
Btw, batteries are on sale at Chosty & Vaporific. 7 bucks US is good, and considering they are they only purchase option...

There were myriad problems with OG and IO. BUT it is not unusual to mis-diagnose, that sometimes it is actually just a good solid battery that was needed, particularly with the more powerful IO.


Well-Known Member
For those that are trying to squeak some life out of units that are still puffing along.....I have 8 Grasshopper batteries sitting in a drawer and I have no functional Grasshoppers. I cannot make any promises as to the batteries health....but they seem to charge up as per my Nitecore Charger. I used a few of them sparingly but consistently in the old days....and I bought some new batts from Hopper Labs towards the end but never used them. At that time I figured that I better purchase batts before they become unavailable.

Anybody have a use for these blue tubes? 5 of them are GHB1 and 3 of them are GHB2
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Well-Known Member
Sounds sus that all 3 would fail on the same day?
I seriously question the battery situation.
I have over 10 different batteries (some ghb2 some ghb3). 😅 I've been scrubbing threads, iso soaking, trying different batteries, different back ends, all sorts 😔
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Custom Flower Hardware

Well-Known Member
My OG stainless grasshopper and 2 IO's all gave up the ghost today 😭😫

Don't suppose you have a working one for sale? Or anyone else for that matter.... 😭
In the spirit of the season I ha e a working GHIO back end, sliver color, and I'll couple it with 3 brand new GHB3 batts. :tup: pm me your shipping info and I'll get in the mail Thursday friend!:D
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