Hello, FC family. I want to give a major apology. I’ve been selfishly enjoying the fuck out of my vape and not letting everyone know how phenomenal this thing is. NO BUYERS REMORSE WHATSOEVER! GET OFF THE FENCE!
The things I love. Taste, ability to microdose, taste, not having to stir, taste, power, and lastly taste. The taste is spectacular throughout the entire session. No scorched top or popcorn taste. Unlike most of my other heavy hitters, it takes a lot less to get me where I’m trying to go. I can’t express how great it is never having to stir. Powerful extraction leaving me heavily medicated. TASTY TERPY HEAVENLY HITS.
I enjoy taking long medium speed draws that I speed up the last 5-10 seconds of the draw. I’ll get anywhere from 3 to 7 draws per bowl. In my opinion, this Vape was designed to be used with a slow to medium draw speed. Dabs are really good but I enjoy it the most with flower currently. Double deckers are insane!
Something I found interesting. I was having a bowl before I walked my kid to school. Before I was able to finish the bowl, I got distracted and had to walk out of my room. Ultimately, I completely forgot I was vaping and walked my daughter to school. I was gone for approximately 45 minutes. When I got back, I saw that the heat source was still sitting in the bowl on top of the material. I started panicking and pulled it off immediately and notice I didn’t look bad at all. So I put the heat source back on and started pulling. I was enjoying the session just like I was 45 minutes prior. I don’t suggest anyone try it, but it was very nice that it didn’t have a negative affect, which pleasantly surprised me and I was extremely impressed. I have done this before with a few other units that looked similar and as soon as I opened my door to my home I could smell chard material throughout the entire home the smell was disgusting. And that was only after 20 minutes on a different device, and it had completely fried my material that made the entire house stink.
Now that I have figured everything out my love for it has grown even more. It’s completely dominating the reach test!!!
I’ve had the same ball vape several times already. Now I have something different!