Looks like another price comment.
I like you! ^you make me laugh!
Your rep is as well know as mine on here too!
small community. As far as survive? Well, let's touch on that for a second. Sure it a risk selling this product at this price. The risk is moreso to other makers, not so much on our team here. If this is a better product then what is on the market today, which I helped nurture through the years, then all the others that are sold today would lose sales. If people like a product but then, BLAM, another product steps in and outperforms/outshines/outlasts another, the customer is drawn to it. They don't want the one that just gets the job done they want the one that does the job the best.
This isn't for the customer who just wants the job done at 40 bucks. I can appreciate that customer as I have supported those makers as well.
It's like a court of law to a point now on here. People will get up and compare, contrast, strike down yet those are the ones that don't have this unit to compare it with yet.
I assume we'll have a few of those, but in the end the judge and jury, the community, will decide.
Which if we review that, my first 3 customers spent that money, and all 3 have nothing but joy in their life, they all thanked me for my contributions and hard work.
I have enough friends on here that I shouldn't have to tap vaporants, gives me time to work on my YouTube channel where I CAN compare and contrast vapes
, if I don't sell them all by then.