Watch "Teardown/cleaning" on Streamable.
Watch "Refill/put together " on Streamable.
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The handles were done from scratch from
@Ed's TnT because I needed something beefier for the weight of the head. Plus Ed used a new design for the cord/handle, SOLID does not come off. Front and back ends!

The blowback in the 3rd vid out the top of the cap is from the reverse water pressure of the glass emptying downstem.

It looks wicked AF!

Edit: 675 on the dial, not 665

heat up time on DC gear is quick less then 5 min. Cool down is a lot longer at 20 to 30 min depending how hot and long it's been on, and ambient temp and such, so our recommendation until a solution is rendered is a standard ceramic coffee cup and coaster. This will make it shielded from pets, kids, intruders and such.

I'll add a pic back in a sec..