The Flower Kettle by Custom Flower Hardware

Custom Flower Hardware

Well-Known Member
Got it warming up now going for 850 kettle and 650 path baby!:rockon::tup:
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Well-Known Member
I guess the other question becomes what potential toxicities you might be vaping at that temperature, hey?

It's one thing to know how hot you can get it, it's probably a nothing all together to know how hot you can get and it still be good for you (relatively speaking of course.)

Custom Flower Hardware

Well-Known Member
It's still vaped weed at that temp just everything boils off at one shot. :tup: Only get that toxicity when we combust.:nod: There's no need to go to that temp at all, just cool that science says we can!:science:
Custom Flower Hardware,
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Jerry, You need to start including the mini SQP with your Masters Kit.

I have one and I use it. The amount that fits is so small I can't get it to register on my calculator.

One nice cloud. No coughing. no waste.

The only time I used the large SQP (1/4-1/3 full) yesterday was before bed to get maximum pain reduction.

Custom Flower Hardware

Well-Known Member

Custom Flower Hardware

Well-Known Member
Testing heaters for second quarter, 2025 release...


Well-Known Member
Testing heaters for second quarter, 2025 release...

What's changed other than the coil guards?

And how do those coil guards work? Is it a complete redesign or is it just some kind of a wrap?

Custom Flower Hardware

Well-Known Member
What's changed other than the coil guards?

And how do those coil guards work? Is it a complete redesign or is it just some kind of a wrap?
They're aren't any coils. That's not a guard. It's a stainless steel heater customed sized to each piece. Works exactly the same as the coils just a lot prettier looking.:love:


Well-Known Member
Testing heaters for second quarter, 2025 release...
My guy!

Wireless πŸ˜πŸ˜Άβ€πŸŒ«οΈ

Looks like it chucks the clouds

So happy to see BOTH coil-less


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Custom Flower Hardware

Well-Known Member
I will not be selling this cordless. Just corded as I've been for the past year. I did the video to show that it's plenty capable. Whoever would like to make it cordless the 20mm ss rings are on Amazon. The tolerances fluctuate though, so you might have to buy a couple of them to get a good fitting one. Theyre cheap though. Then get a handle from Ed's TNT or Vgoodiez and while you're at Vgoodiez grab a 30mm cobra coil then you're all set!😁
Here's the ring it wasn't amazon...
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Well-Known Member
I will not be selling this cordless. Just corded as I've been for the past year. I did the video to show that it's plenty capable. Whoever would like to make it cordless the 20mm ss rings are on Amazon. The tolerances fluctuate though, so you might have to buy a couple of them to get a good fitting one. Theyre cheap though. Then get a handle from Ed's TNT or Vgoodiez and while you're at Vgoodiez grab a 30mm cobra coil then you're all set!😁
Here's the ring it wasn't amazon...
I will not be selling this cordless. Just corded as I've been for the past year. I did the video to show that it's plenty capable. Whoever would like to make it cordless the 20mm ss rings are on Amazon. The tolerances fluctuate though, so you might have to buy a couple of them to get a good fitting one. Theyre cheap though. Then get a handle from Ed's TNT or Vgoodiez and while you're at Vgoodiez grab a 30mm cobra coil then you're all set!😁
Here's the ring it wasn't amazon...
Thank you so much !
The instructions are simple and really cheap 🀝🏻
When I have the necessary funds before the end of the year, I will treat myself to a flower kettle.
With the stainless steel ring and this handle it easily becomes the most elegant wireless metal vape ball!


Well-Known Member
Here is my take on a wireless FlowerKettle and Electropath.

I used some Stainless steel tubing that I cut to length, they are 16mm ID 20mm OD and 20mm ID 25mm OD. I used some dead coils for the handles and ground down the lip on the Flower kettle a little bit to 25mm but I'm quite happy with how it turned out. I'll have to get a rip video eventually!


Custom Flower Hardware

Well-Known Member
Here is my take on a wireless FlowerKettle and Electropath.

I used some Stainless steel tubing that I cut to length, they are 16mm ID 20mm OD and 20mm ID 25mm OD. I used some dead coils for the handles and ground down the lip on the Flower kettle a little bit to 25mm but I'm quite happy with how it turned out. I'll have to get a rip video eventually!

Now that is slick brother!πŸ˜€

Custom Flower Hardware

Well-Known Member
Custom Flower Hardware,
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Custom Flower Hardware

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Well-Known Member
Nothing better than the Kettle on a really rubbish day. There's nothing that gets me blasted more quickly (off flower) than the Kettle, even the flop into the armchair and the flicking the PID switches is partially therapeutic cos I know that everything will be slightly better within 10 minutes.


Well-Known Member
I've been thinking over the last week that my Flower Kettle + Electropath produces more reclaim than other vapes like the Screwball or Ruby Twist. I also suspect it's a more "sticky" reclaim, cos the bong is harder to clean.

Does this make any sense/is there any basis in this from a science perspective?

Custom Flower Hardware

Well-Known Member
It's a cooler vapor then the others you mentioned. So cool water on cool vapor will make the vapor stickier after it goes through the water and splashes on the glass. I vape dry with it because there is no need for water to cool vapor IMHO. Other vapes maybe need water to cool because the designs are all similar. Big straight hole where hot air enters, blasts the load, while blasting into the water to cool it. When I clean my glass it's just a splash of iso swish around, then hot water and dawn rinse, done. :tup:
When you use the path it takes the water out of the vapor into smaller particles. The small particles reintroduced into water produce the issue most likely. I've never had reclaim using it dry at all.
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