The Flower Kettle by Custom Flower Hardware


Well-Known Member
It's a cooler vapor then the others you mentioned. So cool water on cool vapor will make the vapor stickier after it goes through the water and splashes on the glass. I vape dry with it because there is no need for water to cool vapor IMHO. Other vapes maybe need water to cool because the designs are all similar. Big straight hole where hot air enters, blasts the load, while blasting into the water to cool it. When I clean my glass it's just a splash of iso swish around, then hot water and dawn rinse, done. :tup:
When you use the path it takes the water out of the vapor into smaller particles. The small particles reintroduced into water produce the issue most likely. I've never had reclaim using it dry at all.

That's interesting on a couple of fronts. One is that I was right in my thinking on the science part.

But the other is on the use of water. I guess I always looked at the reclaim in a bong with water vs no reclaim in a dry bong, and I'm like "well that reclaim is still going somewhere, and better the glass than my lungs."


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Custom Flower Hardware

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Custom Flower Hardware,


Obsessive Collector
I have been super busy and absent for a while. I have the same sub glass cooling unit for my sub, I have not been using it much at all but this is a great idea, I will be trying this tonight. I'm too shy to post videos though LOL, maybe I'll try to get over my stage fright!


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The orange case is for Ed's TNT Make a Wish foundation drive around November! 🀩 the whip is...

I ordered this mouthpiece after seeing you use it in here. Man I love it so much, using it with my table top bong and Electropath/Kettle feels like I've levelled up my whole game again. It only arrived today, I'm already regretting not getting a 2nd one. I'd love to have one in the freezer, but mainly cos I'm inevitably going to break it.

(Although their whip hose is complete garbage, and wasn't even worth including with it. I can't imagine anyone using a whip hose that looks, feels, and worst of all smells like a friggen balloon!)

Custom Flower Hardware

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Custom Flower Hardware,
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You gotta do more with just flower πŸ€“


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By request...:tup:
Wow thank you ! Haha not to be snobbish in any way I find just flower is the best judge for vapor production from a vape since concentrates will always give off tons of vapor.i just read a bit about this history of this vape and didn’t even realize this is meant to be a continuation of the sub in some way…which makes so much sense and makes this vape much more appealing now that I know it’s not meant to be a ball vape.
So would you say this is a direct comparison to the sublimator ? The biggest giveaway for me was always the resin…that red resin was very unique curious if this one produces similar πŸ€“
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Custom Flower Hardware

Well-Known Member
Hey @AndyO i have a new "twist" for you to expirement with. Take everything out of the inside of the kettle head, so hollow it out so to speak. Cap it and heat up empty. You'll need the carb cap to spin the air but it'll work like a thermal twist!:):tup:
Custom Flower Hardware,


Well-Known Member
Hey @AndyO i have a new "twist" for you to expirement with. Take everything out of the inside of the kettle head, so hollow it out so to speak. Cap it and heat up empty. You'll need the carb cap to spin the air but it'll work like a thermal twist!:):tup:

Good timing on the tip! The head is starting to get a couple of little marks on it, and the Tempest is due to arrive today, so I was going to take the head apart this afternoon for cleaning anyway :tup:

Custom Flower Hardware

Well-Known Member
Wow thank you ! Haha not to be snobbish in any way I find just flower is the best judge for vapor production from a vape since concentrates will always give off tons of vapor.i just read a bit about this history of this vape and didn’t even realize this is meant to be a continuation of the sub in some way…which makes so much sense and makes this vape much more appealing now that I know it’s not meant to be a ball vape.
So would you say this is a direct comparison to the sublimator ? The biggest giveaway for me was always the resin…that red resin was very unique curious if this one produces similar πŸ€“
Thanks for the feedback @Garybuchanen :tup: I actually made this after purchasing the Orion Head and that was it. Never heard from the sublimator people again. I was fortunate enough to score a sub on reddit for $$$. It happened to work with the Orion Head. I loved it from the jump! But then I was like fuck me what if this pos monkey controller dies???. That gave me the idea to make a vape based on that and the herborizer. The difference in mine is that I improved on the sub design as to give the path a controllable temperature whereas the sub will only make the bowl as hot as the ambient temp gets from the head. You'd have to heat soak the bowl and head for 10 min to get that equilibrium. With the kettle and path that experience can be tailored separately then used together in unison. The resin you speak of is really non existent when using the path because the path can get hotter then the sub head made it's bowl if that makes sense. Plus the inside of the paths design has taken away the reclaim ledges so to speak. The metal work is undeniably sleek and works like a charm. It also works upside down like a tradition diffuser and without balls because of the mass like a thermal twist so to speak.:tup:

Custom Flower Hardware

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