Well, I'm back to using my FF as my on-the-go (as well as around the house regularly).
Had been using the Ascent but... if I know I am going to have at least the privacy of my car, and won't need more than 1 battery (hell, or even 2), then... I guess, why the hell not use the FF instead?
So very nice to just quickly take my two puffs and then put it away. Not wasting anything, not sacrificing any flavor, not making a big stink, not having to grind, and all in one piece (Solo). I still get the feeling that somehow they designed this vaporizer specifically for me...
Something about using the FF out in the wild... it gives me a certain satisfaction that the other portables I've owned / tried did not.
Over 6 months now and I'm still as excited about using my FF as I was on day one. And still on my first one.
Oh, and of my 3 batteries, I only use 2 of them, and both of them are still giving PLENTY of hits each charge. Certainly not as much as they did, of course, but... I think they're holding up damn well.