WOW! It's NOT defective!
Thanks so much for the prompt responses fellas!
I think all it took was to SLOW my draw down and not FIGHT it!

Not used to such a restricted draw, but when you don't pull too hard and fight it, it's really not that bad.
@JCat I tried blocking the air intake holes....made no difference?

Still could get could get air, not as much obviously, but not stopped. Hard to tell with such a restricted draw lol
I have more testing to do, but this dab style hit was with one pad, but I find it very messy to deal with, and hard to handle. I still can't get the pad to "stick" on the bottom like they say. I think maybe once I was able to. Does it matter if it's on an angle? So i'll try the double pads as you suggest, seems way easier to manage and load! I can see myself buying a lot of these! Especially if they keep things clean!
I think I may have to dial DOWN the calibration now, as that hit was like off an enail.... serious stab to my lungs, but now i'm feeling enail EFFECTS! lol WOW!
I think i'm going to need the external charger and a lot of batteries and pads!!
@JCat what temps are you using? Not sure my lungs can take it without water, so time to dial down that calibration.