Somthing tells me that a small adjustment to the ceramic part that is holding the heating coil could be re designed or modified to " swirl" the hot air around the inside BELOW the "screen/bowl". Getting hot air to come up through those tiny holes is the key to solving the issue of the hot spot.
clearly the heated air is being concentrated prior to comming up into the herbs. it needs to be spread out.
Enlarging the screen holes is a balsey move. Ultimatly I think there is a better way. attack from below.
True, but the air inside the ceramic part bounces on the screen and spreads out a bit anyway.
As long as the air restriction is narrow enough air will still get spread over all the holes pretty evenly.
An affect which afaik will only subside if the holes get too big, like the SS mesh screen it basically just hits the center point and goes right though it because there pretty much nothing to bounce back on.
Its all about air pressure. Dont think theres any notable effect in the current state of (my) screen.
Unless you specifically ment the hotspot temperature of the screen itself, then i guess i agree its all but even heat spread.
But i think the heat conducts asuper fast and the screen is so thin its probably equalized between each draw.