The Firefly 2 vaporizer

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Now it lets to draw fast making big clouds, which are heavy on lungs though. I do not like this as well as how FF2 whines. So I draw slowly in silence and my moderate puffs are dense, cool and tasty.

EDIT: It is just a tad faster than before the mod, but there is no more struggle.

Good enough for me. I should be getting my screens Tuesday hopefully, and make some pics :-)
Lets hope i dont break and nuts haha.

Another question, does the FF2 regulate heat based on temperature readings? or is it a fixed curve with fixed temperatures per profile?

I could imagine the FF2 could drop too much in temps, have you tried the concentrate setting? :p


I go where the thrills are
I have the Firefly 2 and been trying to nail down the right techniques. So far I've been able to get 2 to 4 good hits from a single bowl...I pack the bowl full and "quite tight" with hand torn material...I'm quite sure my packing technique is OK. It doesn't seem to matter what heating profile I'm in. I mean, the taste is different on higher temps and I think the FF in general works as it should, still in the promo videos, people talk about "10 hits" or so...Has anyone been able to reach this with long slow draws? It seems that my material is "quite much used" after my 2 hits...Even though I stir...I also have a Mighty and with that I can take like 3-4 big hits and still the material is in better condition if you know what I mean!

Any idea how much you are putting in the bowl, weight-wise? I can pack something like .2 g's in the bowl, and from that I can get 20+ good hits, though it requires several iterations of stirring, like every four hits or so. I'm inferring your material is pretty cooked after just a couple hits, which seems odd to me unless the amount you are using is very small.

Without knowing actual weights/amounts, it's tough to make apples->apples comparisons.
Also I sent an email to FF customer service asking about the heating profiles...I was told that both the heating profile and power tuning change only the temperature, nothing else...So is it really so that there's no difference vaping for example on medium high (PT 0%) or Medium (Power Tuning 5%)...

I don't know if that exact example is correct, but, yes, there's overlap once you start playing with the PT levels...PT plus X overlaps with the level above it when you dial it down (something like "Med/High PT +x = High PT -x"...or get the idea....)

There's a chart someone made some pages back that shows exact temps for each level inclusive of the PT settings. But yes, settings overlap...the point of Power Tuning is to give you a more granular level of temp control above and below each major setting. (And it really makes High zippy when you push it up to plus 11...;))

Not sure if that answered your questions....


Well-Known Member
I pack the bowl full...I'm not to precisely measure the amount but I think it's like .15 - .2.

Yesterday I was able to get a few more hits...I just inhaled even slower and lighter than before...Seemed to work somehow...Also I press down the lid a little bit...I've checked that the lid is clean and there's no particles on the way for it to be fully sealed...Still at least here pressing it down ligtly helps me get more decent hits...

I'm aware of the power tuning chart and have watched it many times...One % power tuning means about 4c more temperature so basically low with PT on 5% should be the same as lowmid with PT 0%.. I recall someone saying here that there's something more with the heating profiles than just the temp but can't find it now...With "something more" I mean like draw resistance or...Something I don't know :).



I go where the thrills are
I pack the bowl full...I'm not to precisely measure the amount but I think it's like .15 - .2.

Yesterday I was able to get a few more hits...I just inhaled even slower and lighter than before...Seemed to work somehow...Also I press down the lid a little bit...I've checked that the lid is clean and there's no particles on the way for it to be fully sealed...Still at least here pressing it down ligtly helps me get more decent hits...-

Honestly, if you're using .15 ish grams you should be getting at least ten to twelve hits even on High. If you said your material still looks green-ish, I'd suspect something isn't working right somewhere. But since you are saying your material is looking spent, obviously the vapor should be going somewhere. I'm a little puzzled. (Pix might help, actually.)

Add in your observation that it works better when you press on the lid makes me think at the very least your lid is acting weirdly. You should not have to press the lid (in search of a better seal) to get optimal results. (Just make absolutely sure it's seated properly...they tend to have a little play from front to back, lengthwise, so just ensure it's really seated in its groove correctly.)

I'm aware of the power tuning chart and have watched it many times...One % power tuning means about 4c more temperature so basically low with PT on 5% should be the same as lowmid with PT 0%.. I recall someone saying here that there's something more with the heating profiles than just the temp but can't find it now...With "something more" I mean like draw resistance or...Something I don't know :).-

There isn't. The heating algorithm is the same as before, just more granular. Draw resistance or lack of it isn't affected by the power tuning feature.


Well-Known Member
There isn't. The heating algorithm is the same as before, just more granular. Draw resistance or lack of it isn't affected by the power tuning feature.
I'm not sure I buy this. My FF2 behaves very differently on Med High than it used to, and I have power tuning centered at 0. It sure does act like it gets hotter quicker; if I use my old drawstyle with the new firmware, I get charred bits.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replies...And sorry for not being accuate enough... I'm visually impaired and can't really see colours at all so can't really say if the material is green or not...Yesterday by taking VEEEEERY slow and light draws and pressing the lid with one finger, I was able to get like 6 hits...I started on low and cranked up to high in the end, I have the power tuning at 104.

I'm sure I put the lid just like it should be...Still the vapor production is much better with a little push on the lid, near the bowl.

All in all, starting to like my FF2 more and more...
Still wondering if it's really so that the only real difference between heating profiles is the temperature...If it's really so, I think it should have been wiser to give us a precise temp control instead, for easier buzz crafting and such.

-- Mr420

(I'm using FF2 and Mighty)


Well-Known Member
OK thanks...I understand Powe Tuning very well, my real question is abot heating profiles...Is there any difference in heating profiles other than the basic temperature?


Well-Known Member
OK thanks...I understand Powe Tuning very well, my real question is abot heating profiles...Is there any difference in heating profiles other than the basic temperature?
There is no real way to tell without a lot of hassle unless the manufacturer just tells us. I don't recall them doing so as yet. The programming is probably some sort of IP.

I don't use the power tuning other than to play a little at first. But, I do like the vape more after the update. That makes me think there was more to the update then simply the ability to increase or decrease the power a bit.
Lotsa screens arrived. Modding time! :D

Edit1: Disassembly/Reassembly success! Was easier than I thought. Props to Firefly as the internals look way less amateuristic/clumbsy than the FF1. As a professional device should be :)

Edit2: Ok, the draw 'resistance' is amazing now, no more stressed lungs or popping eyes, even maintaining former slow drawing pace its much easier on the lungs. In that regard it is night and day improvement!

I cannot yet say it has improved the vaping and cloud production on such short term, but I can see how the potential of better clouds is minimized due to what another user posted before, there might be a hotspot in the center of the bowl. My screen seems to be finer with smaller gaps, so im honestly not sure.

Should we investigate the possibility of somehow 'enlarge' the gaps on the original screen? Mini drills or such? Id be up for more experiments...
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Well-Known Member


I go where the thrills are
Sorry, to restate: I don't believe that this firmware update did as little as they said. My FF2 handles very differently pre/post firmware update and I actually had to relearn my technique to keep from turning all my herb into briquettes. There's more going on than "oh, we just added a slider".

That's exactly what they said they added. Your empirical observations notwithstanding, I choose to believe the guy who designed the device and wrote all the code, especially since I haven't observed anything diferent in my FF2 other than temp gradations. :2c:


Vapor concierge
Sorry, to restate: I don't believe that this firmware update did as little as they said. My FF2 handles very differently pre/post firmware update and I actually had to relearn my technique to keep from turning all my herb into briquettes. There's more going on than "oh, we just added a slider".

I wonder if your update malfunctioned somehow. There are a couple of instances where the Firefly was bricked by the update, so it's possible and worth a call to Firefly, I think, if it isn't vaping well anymore.


Take my money
I don't know what happen with Firefly customer service over the year...
i broke my mouthpiece while doing regular maintenance on my unit last week. A holding pin broke on one side, and now it don't hold well in place. so i got a 450$ vape not producing cloud because of a leaking 10$ mouthpiece.
I email firefly Friday morning to ask them when they will have mouthpiece back in stock on their website, or if they know a Canadian distributor that have it in stock to got my unit working again!
No answer yet......
I had better service back in the days with Iolite vaporizer customer service, a vape at a far far cheaper price then this unit.... what the problem with Firefly customer service , the preorder selling rush must be over ???
Don't get me wrong, I love that vape. In all the unit I've test over the year, this one is my favorite one, not on every situation, but at home the firefly is always my choice!
At the price point of that device, customer service must be over the top IMO!
So the screen mod is less than ideal, it nearly combusted material in the center of the bowl.

The air simply doesnt spread which basically creates a hotspot :(

I'm gonna see how I can increase the gaps on the original one.


vapes tobacco modding the vapes
Do you draw slowly? Have you tried lower temps? This works for me. Stock screen had hotspot too, just offcentered towards to mouthpiece. My new hotspot :) is not bigger now.
EDIT: I also thought to place smth below the screen, covering the hole, to dissect the flow. Like glass bead or nail-head :) I yet to find SS nail.
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Do you draw slowly? Have you tried lower temps? This works for me. Stock screen had hotspot too, offcentered towards to mouthpiece. My new hotspot :) is not bigger now.

Yeah, i did draw slow and it felt als if it charred and the center was close to black from the first draw.

Didnt have this before. Also perhaps the draw resistance is a bit too low for me now.

I ordered a set of mini drills 0.1 to 1.0 mm so perhaps i can just enhance the original screen and tweak it to perfection :D

Bigger holes also mean less issue cleaning them. that was also problematic. I suspect the holes are like 0.2mm now, perhaps to 0.3 or 0.4mm could do it.


Hmmm... I don't really have a hotspot. I was expecting one, but then was surprised that the entire bottom of the load seemed to brown at basically the same rate, requiring less stirring. What's the mesh size you guys are using?

edit: this is on High 110% at max, have never used the concentrate setting.
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So still hotspots after moding it? Whats the advantage then?

I was thinking about doing it but not sure anymore :S


Well-Known Member
I wonder if your update malfunctioned somehow. There are a couple of instances where the Firefly was bricked by the update, so it's possible and worth a call to Firefly, I think, if it isn't vaping well anymore.
If this is broken, I really really don't want to fix it.

My experience post-f/w-flash is that drawing harder and/or stepping down a temp is absolutely necessary.

I had the 'just at the edge of resistance' draw figured out back with the ff1, and it served me well with the ff2 until I updated it. After the update, I find I can pretty much draw as hard as i want (i'm in my 40s and asthmatic, "as hard as i want' might mean something very different to people without garbage lungs) and I will have vapor within 5s, even at Med-High. It's a better experience, or it has been once I got past my mindset of "well jeez now I have to hit it WRONG!!".

(If I do try to use the old slow technique, it's a major char-party at the bottom of the bowl.)

I use this thing almost every day, almost multiple times, and I've had an FF1 for quite some time as well. It's changed. It's changed for the better, but it's definitely got more of a change than just a bonus slider buried in an app somewhere.
Nothing is perfect.

Advantage is lower draw resistance/lung stress.

Disadvantage imho too low draw resistance, not evenly cooked, again imho.

Drilling holes wider on original screen seems to be a better solution
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