Well I was able to use the FF2 with a friend quite well in the park yesterday. I would let her take the first couple of draws and it worked beautifully.
I don't know how it compares that well to other portable vapes, but FF2 the one thing I love about it is how stealthy I think it is, in terms of odor.
I used it at suicide squad by myself. I think a couple women actually came around the screen and were looking around. An usher also came shortly after looked around and left. Maybe the ladies were just going to the bathroom, but later on one of them was going to the bathroom again from the otherside, and it seemed like she was legit going to the bathroom? Haha, she did seem to be looking around.
Think there might have been some odor, and they were lookin, but nothing to see!!!!!!! I mean all you have to do is put your finger over the little green LED light. Thinkin of getting a little sticker to cover that bit for when I got out.
I also LOVE the dock. So much nicer than having to plug it in, imo.