I'm curious to what peoples daily consumption was when smoking compared to now vaping.
I have one out of four friends who has a Firefly2 and is completely satisfied. Her daily consumption was around 1 gram. The rest of us smoked much more. I smoked 3-5 x .8gram joints a day with 3-10 .2 gram bowls mixed in. The higher of the amounts on days off from work. All top quality domestic since the mid 90's. With hash, keif and oil in the mix. With that said I can get 'fully medicated' with a few 10th's of flower. Just not using a Firefly2, I have tried 5 different units. I have also tried other types of vaporizers, commercial and diy that held small amounts just not as small as the Firefly2, been both satisfied and not. I'm not sure if maybe at least for me and 3 of my vaping friends the small amount of .15 just can't deliver high enough doses(with flower) of the medicine per draw, quick enough to reach the level of being medicated thats wanted in a short enough time frame. I expect to start feeling medicated within a few minutes of vaping maybe 3 draws.
So now I use a different vaporizer and consume 1.5 - 2.5 grams a day.
It would be nice to know what satisfied and unsatisfied users push through their units a day, better if compared to what they used to smoke. So people with similar habits have a better understanding.
Also how long does it take you for a session. 2min? Drag until it's dead? 30min? Sipping it like cold ice tea? What point in the session do you start feeling medicated?
For me....I used to smoke a lot. That was back in the Mexican dirt weed days so it would be hard to compare. Now I will take a bag from the volcano or a bowl form the ff2 and I'm done. If it's party time I might have a bowl during cocktail hour and one after dinner. Usually only one bowl after dinner. If I'm with friends that will vary. I don't like to get too wasted on a regular basis. I view it like drinking a couple of glasses of wine for a nice buzz as opposed to drinking a bottle and having to go lay down. I have never weighed what I am vaping. I guess I would be classified as a light weight. I do know people that can smoke me under the table, and do, but that's not me.