Yea, it's strange. I used to be a very frequent smoker, but now that I'm older, for the last decade or so, I smoke maybe once a month, and my wife even less frequently. I have friends with the pax 2 and mighty among others, and knew that the sessions that these are designed for aren't really required for my needs. I wanted something where I could just take a couple hits, and leave the rest for later. I splurged on a present for myself with this thing, figuring that even though I don't smoke frequently, it would probably be better for me to vape, and more pleasant, given that since its been years since smoking frequently, it makes me cough.
Reading this board over the last week or so, as I've been waiting for the first vape I've ever owned, I was beginning to get the impression that perhaps this thing would be something of a hassle, and would require a lot of figuring out.
The reality has been, that bar a couple annoyances with the blue tooth connectivity, which may have to do with my phone, the device functions exactly as I hoped it would: it's an electronic bowl, designed for a dystopian future in which cyborgs harvest us for biofuel and need a bit of green for the PTSD this brings on.
My technique is exactly the same as using a bowl. Rip up weed coarsely as I would for a bowl, or use a grinder but don't grind it fully (as I would for a bowl). Fill it to the point where the bowl begins to flare out, then very gently tamp down (as I would for a bowl) Press the buttons on either side and wait for it to start to glow. Once glowing, breath out, then breath in slowly for a long draw (as I would for a bowl). When at end of the breath, release fingers (as I would for a bowl) and blow out a cloud of vapor. After a couple hits, mix around the greens a bit, either with a pokey or tapping. This last part isn't a problem for me, as two or three hits are sufficient anyway, so the stirring would occur before my next usage, which could be weeks from now.
The flavor from it is remarkable, and I have zero regrets purchasing it, if this is how it performs for the next few years. I'm sure if I was using it multiple times a day every day, I'd develop an ideal technique, I'm sure if I wanted to produce the biggest cloud for some unknown reason, I'd develop an ideal technique. I remember figuring such things out for bongs in college. My more pedestrian goal today with this device is to get exactly as high as I want, and do so in a tasty way that felt familiar to me. That's exactly what it does.