Ok I just added tape all around the lid and figured it out. It's the mouthpiece. Air gets in around the mouthpiece seal.
If I take off the mouthpiece, make a seal with my lips and try to draw I can't.
Hmm...this seems like it would be thinning out my vapor.
@BabaRobDass The reason I'm doing these experiments is that I'm still trying to decide how I feel about the unit.
I was hoping this would be the portable equivalent of my e-nano, which I love because its so efficient. So far it's not. But I'm still trying to figure out how to use it better. I think my experience can improve. My experience, and friends who used it this weekend, felt that is was more confusing than the Pax1 I've used which gives off very obvious, if not the smoothest vapor. Don't get me wrong, I still get vapor and effects, but there is an element of how well it's working that is lingering.
However if my mouthpiece is allowing air to get in, then I think this whole FF2 equation would be thrown off.
Ok, I wanted to post an update to my tape experiment. In short, the unit does not have any air leaks. What I thought was the mouthpiece leaking was really just me sucking existing air from inside the lid. Once I put my finger over the air hole above the mouthpiece it created a total seal. My bad. The only place I could get any external air at all to come in was around the lid, but it was neligible. I would say the lid provided a 95-98% seal, and given normal venting, would not result in any external air coming in and mixing with the vapor.
I would say that a significant portion of the air, I'm guessing, maybe up to 50% of the air comes in via the bottom. I say that because airflow seems the same if I block the main vents, and just use the bottom, or vice versa. However, what I am very happy to report, is that regardless of where the air comes in, it flows through the chamber, hence no clean air mixing with the vapor. Yay!
Ok, so now my experience. It's greatly improving. I can get big, satisfying clouds. However, I can't get them every time. The result seems very dependent on the grind/draw speed. It's finicky. Sometimes slow draw seems to work best, sometimes faster draw does. Overpacking definitely does not seem to work for me. I'm getting the best results with a 3/5 packed chamber. It's all about the airflow through the material being just right. It's almost like I have to become "one" with how your draw and draw resistance is feeling

I'm using High temp.
I find the the cheap acrylic grinder included with my order from VapeWorld provides a nice coarse grind which is working better than the finer grind provided by my SpaceCase Scout Small.
A few tips that have helped me so far:
- make sure to take at least a 10-15 second draw. the thick cloud producing vapor seems to happen in the last few seconds of this as the temperature rises.
- take deep breaths, use your diaphragm. not shallow "joint" type mouth breaths. thankfully this vapor is so darn cool, you can take a huge deep breath and not have to worry about it being uncomfortable
Lastly, the minimum amount I've been able to get a satisfying hit from is .040g. Enough to cover the bottom of the bowl and stay in place with a light finger tamp.
Also, I'm digging the "finger stir" demonstrated in the Mark Robinson FF instructional video they posted. It's nice to not always have to worry about having a stirrer.