I go where the thrills are
@MikeMcSnipe @sch15m Just got my unit today. Mine does the same thing, It pulsed on the first heat up but it has remained static the rest of the time. I heard they were working on a firmware update to fix it because it is a software bug? .
If your FF is still pretty warm, especially if the ambient temp is warm, it may not need to pre-heat and thus you won't get a pulse, just a solid green. If the FF has been idle for hours, you may see a solid green as it "wakes" should pulse on the next button touch, but it may not. In any event you may be experiencing intended behavior here.
One thing I have noticed that I'm worried about is that if I heat it up and let it sit for about 20 seconds and heat it up a second time, the glow is much less. I'm assuming that the unit knows how much to heat the oven and just isn't activating the temperatures as much, but I'm not sure.
Also normal behavior. The glow is dimmer after the first couple of hits, once the bowl gets warmed-up....something to do with efficiency of heating which in turn saves battery life....but you get less visible glow than on the FF1. (Yes, the unit knows how much to heat!