chickenpotpie said:
Hey guys I'm in need of some information

. To begin with though, I just started smoking pot recently at the age of 19. I enjoy this inebriation effect much more than alcohol albeit two entirely different kinds of awesomeness. However, I'm kind of a health freak and decided I'm not gonna use pot again until I get a vaporizer. Doing some research I was narrowed down to the SSV and Volcano.. but the SSV is made of aluminum and that's not good I read. The volcano is well.. expensive. But I'm willing to pay extra for health benefits. Anyway, last night I came across the Extreme and it seems like it does the trick. Made totally of high quality glass and ceramics. Does this hold true? Or just a gimmick to sell the product on websites? Getting high is getting high right? So I'm not concerned about THC extraction as I'll just put more in if i have to haha. Either way I'm very curious to know which vaporizer definitely
has the best health benefits hands down regardless of cost.
Thank you! =]
Hey, welcome to the world of cannabis, and more specifically vaping. Yes you are right that the E is made of the highest quality parts, but to say it has the best health benifits hands down is a pretty bold statement. The short answer really is that there is no "best" vape in any aspect. However any decent vape has a great deal of health benifits over smoking, and being a health conscious person much like you, im sure you once u experience a good vape, you will never even want to combust again. And if you are worried about still getting the same high with the E, i wouldnt be too concerned with that hahaha. Especially as you are new to getting high, im sure a good elbow pack in the E will flip your wig. Anyways, in answer to your questions, nobody on here can answer what is the best vape, as there really isnt one, however I can highly recomend the E to you or anyone. It was my first vape and I love it, it truly changed my life. If u use the discounts on this site, u can get one for around $250 depending on where u live (compared to say $800 for the volcano). So it has pretty good bang for its buck, as u can blow vapour bags, or use the whip (Volcano only does bags, SSV only has a whip). Also, the E is incapable of combusting your herbs, so u really cant "mess up" the vaping process, which is great for a first timer. I vouch for the E and arizer, and am quite confident you would not be dissapointed if you decide to purchase this vape. Cheers.