Talking about water pipes!@MoltenTiger, Best explanations regarding extraction that I've read here.Not normally a bong/water person, but reclaim is what I am researching at the moment. Just registered with DHgate if decide to pull the trigger. Anything more you feel like saying would help me from making a bad decision. Did look at the Torus's and DHgate's. Looked at the link(Mothership torus -2015. ) and they offer 2 'honeybuckets' and a flower attachment as options. If I have an EQ and get the DHgate torus you recommend, Should I get one of the attachments offered, if I plan on using my reclaim? I have never used/made reclaim, dabs, oil and quite ignorant on the subject entirely.
But this seems like the next progression for me."every part of the buffalo" when using dry herbs is what I'm seeking. Without an over elaborate setup. I agree with you the volume of the piece being relevant. Can you, should you, is there a method to use ABV directly to reclaim? Thanks
This answers a few of my earlier questions, plus justifies me using it as dry pass-thru when I don't feel like filtering my vapor. Might end up saving me money on vape bags. If it serves nearly the same purpose.
Any other thoughts/details/experience about these pieces or what to look for in a water pipe that be helpful to a 'dry' person like myself? I am kinda clueless about the subject.TX
Out of my more exotic herbs.Now I'm wishing that I reclaimed before our dry spell. Where I'm at, there is scarcity just before say apple harvest season.
Asked somebody to bring me some dried chamomile and they brought me some Tazo calm chamomile blend instead. So, I read the tin. Lo and behold, All vape-able ingredients! Blackberry leaves being the least of the ingredients known to be vape -able. It will tide me over hopefully until cider production begins.
Any other of the less exotics that are worth checking out? Since I'm expanding my interests into the aromatherapy aspect of the EQ.
The D022 from DHGATE is a piece I use alot even thought I have 29 other pieces I like.
The formula is simple:
Small Volume = portable
Medium Volume = desktop
large Volume = combustion
Figure it out and find what you like!