With my bridge adapter and other glass adapters that I won't get into, I can have a bag and draw from it without removing it from the EQ.

Thanks to my Bridge adapter AKA "cloud buddy'. I have a 45 bent adapter that attaches above the main section. Straight pathway from the EQ to the 45 bend piece mind you.
Should mention that I have my own bag fill system that uses a 18mm M/M adapter and an ELB. Not the stock method.

Pretty much any standard glass adapters with air path and durability in mind. So it's an 18mm air path from EQ to bag. Slip all that into my favorite heat adapter. It is 5 adapters tall. But the convenience of drawing from a bag with the ease of using a desktop. C'mon. Of course I had to try it.
I fill bags and then take out the stopper in the side car and insert a mouthpiece. So the straight section is directly over the EQ with a 45 adapter and a socket end for the bag.
Air cools going up the glass chimney before getting to the bag. Bag fills up. Turn off machine. Remove stopper from sidecar. Insert 90 bend and a straight wand. Now you are drawing from the bag and the EQ. And getting quite light headed.
Now I do use the ELB in my EVO as normal and transfer it to the EQ for squeezing out the last bit of goodness. How's that for a vape rotation?
With the cloud buddy,, I don't have the bother of filling bags and readjusting them for the next fill. Just switch out the stopper for a mouthpiece of sorts.
@kellya86 prodded me to take pictures of the setup that I was failing to describe..

So you can thank or blame her.
And here is my bag setup. Notice that I have the ELB and F/F together as my herb module and at the base of my EQ is the heat adapter. This works great with the fan. I can get all that goodness left in the ELB's and materials. Notice that I can switch out the stopper with the mouthpiece. So I don't even have to mess with the bag to have a bag session. Just cover the mouthpiece or close the bag before making the switch from stopper to mouthpiece. Also I keep my bridge adapter far away from the heat source with a tall F/F. Near straight path from EQ to bag and it does fill up fast with the ALL 18mm pathway.

Cuckfum, I had not been keeping up with this thread, but then I got around to reading the last few pages, and saw your creation. Pretty cool, I knew I had to attempt to re-create my own version and give myself a reason to dust off my old EQ

@kellya86 's chalky rosin bag also gave me some motivation to fill some bags with the EQ, but I just flowered on my last session here)
What you like to call your "bridge adapter" or "cloud buddy" is more commonly called an ash-catcher, it seems. So only a few bucks and 2 weeks later through a
random un-tested DHgate seller I never purchased from before, I was ready to put together my own "cloud buddy" for semi-continuous, non-removing bag action
I have plenty of other glass adapters and elbows lying around, and I could have put this together different ways, but I decided on a slightly simplified (less pieces) version, using the bent mouthpiece from my tubo evic and a whip. The volcano bag is mounted on an 18mm M / F adapter, which sits on top of the "cloud buddy." I used a small, cut-off section of a silicon drip tip mouthpiece cover to cap the glass mouthpiece when filling the bag, then I remove the silicon cap to start puffing.
The glass joints don't line up perfectly level like you would hope or expect it to, but it's NBD. All the 18mm M/F adapters that I have also make a slight wobble when inserted with this adapter, but they fit tight enough, no vapor leaks from the joints, or they don't pop out of position by themselves, with the slightest tug
This setup worked very well. The bag fills up quicker with an all 18mm glass pathway from the top of the v2 DDave tall adapter. After filling up the bag, drawing from it with the long whip felt very cool, easy, and casual.
I started at 380F and got some pretty good vapor, enough to fill maybe 4-5 bags with as little as 200mg.
That was successful, so I tried the next session at 375F, and got very tasty, somewhat lighter vapor on the first bag, and more substantial, thicker vapor for the next few bags, so maybe 375F is better for this setup for my tastes?
I may make some slight changes to this setup, like re-purposing a spare tall 18mm DDave adapter to attach my bag onto, instead of the 18mm M/F adapter I am using for the bag in this pic. (This will let me attach the bag higher up on the glass to give more space to fill up with some more vapor, act like it's taller)
Overall, I was very satisfied with this concept, and I will have to incorporate it into my vape rotation on occasion.
My poor EQ had been neglected and un-used for a few months since I have been using my
tubo evic with glass / silicon / adapters for water tools and dab rig flower sessions

This little portable vape hits way harder and more potent than the desktop EQ, with temp-control nearly as good, and much greater airflow

(that part is key) As much as I love the tubo, one thing it lacks that the EQ does have
(besides a remote, and a mandatory power adapter) is a fan. So thanks for the idea,
@CuckFumbustion !
But to compare my previous, traditional way of using my EQ, with glass / silicon adapters to use it with the same water tools I now use with my tubo, I decided to do a "throwback" session
(Old pic, but pretty much the same what I did here, minus concentration chamber)
The relative lack of airflow on the EQ became apparent with direct-draw through a hydratube. I was getting some decent clouds, but I had to bump up the temps above 380F to get anything really substantial or satisfying. I felt like I had to work alot harder, puffing, in order to match what I would get with a light, natural draw though the tubo evic

Oh well, different vapes for different days, at least I found a cool new way to use the EQ