Well-Known Member
The other day i took my Q to my buddies place and we used it there. We had smoked a couple bags(so it was really hot already). And then we decided the bowl was pooched, so we were going to change it.... That thing was so hard to take off, my friend said 'dude its stuck', so i try and sure enough its stuck lol, i dunno why it would have been so hard to take off, seeing as there is nothing to get stuck on. So, i decided to just simply reef it out really hard ( had to pry it it was on so much). I got it out doing so, but would that damage anything??? Im thinking maybe the heating element expanded because it was hot and thats why it was hard to get off... or maybe my friend simply just shoved the thing on WAAAY to hard... What are your guys thoughts on this? I hope i didn't damage it 
Also, what kind of sound does your guyses Q make? Mine just kind of 'fizzles' or 'crackles' quietly every few seconds or more... Just wanted to make sure this is normal...
I'm going camping for Canada Day, im definitly gonna bring the vape and an extension cord. I don't miss my pipe one bit since i bought this thing. I could be on a infomercial testimonial for the Q hahaha. To bad Billy Mayes is dead, he would have made a mean spokes person for the Q.

Also, what kind of sound does your guyses Q make? Mine just kind of 'fizzles' or 'crackles' quietly every few seconds or more... Just wanted to make sure this is normal...
I'm going camping for Canada Day, im definitly gonna bring the vape and an extension cord. I don't miss my pipe one bit since i bought this thing. I could be on a infomercial testimonial for the Q hahaha. To bad Billy Mayes is dead, he would have made a mean spokes person for the Q.