Hi all! I'm pretty sure this is my first post. I'm a proud new owner of the EQ. I've had my unit for almost two weeks now and it has been my most enjoyable online purchase ever!
A couple of weeks ago, I went to a buddy of mine who owned a volcano, and I had my first vaping experience and all I could say was...Wow!
After that, I went online and after doing some research, settled on the EQ. Don't get me wrong, I really liked the volcano, however, I liked the versatility and the price of the EQ better. I settled on an online site that I can't remember offhand at the moment, but if anyone is truly interested, I'll look up where I got it from. Placed my order for $249, and two days later I received my EQ! Everything on it works great! I have to thank all the people that purchased the earlier models, because of you guys I think I have an awesome machine!
After much research and experimenting, I'm finding my temp settings to be between 185 C to 210 C. However, as much as I'm liking the high of the higher temp, I'm not liking the residue being left. Mainly because I'm slightly OCD and like to keep my shit clean. So, first question.
1. Does the amount of residue being left relate to any harmful components? ie, am I burning to high? I've been doing all sort of research about temp settings and my only concern is not to get the harmful chemicals, since it seems it would defeat one of the benefits of vaping. None of my remains are black or even close. Dark brown at best, so I don't think I'm vaping too high.
I'm finding that I'm enjoying the bag delivery system more than the whip system. After some reading, I'm thinking of trying the bong/whip delivery system. The one thing I did like about the volcano was the quick release valve on the balloon.
2. Is there any type of valve or quick release type available for the balloon? The glad seal thing seems like it would be good if you want to carry it around or something, but another option would be nice.
Was also wondering what most people did with the remains?
3. Can you revape or resmoke it in a bong or is cooking with it the best option?
That's all I have for now. I just love my EQ. Think it works great, and from what I read, Arizer has great customer service I hope I never have to use. My only complaint is that the blue light at the base has those spaces on the sides, which is totally cosmetic.
So any tips and advice on how to make my vaping experience better is most appreciated. Sorry if this post seems all over the place. Was vaping when I wrote it. Oh, and if one of the mods or somebody with more experience could do a faq, that would be great. 42 pages of reading to try to get info is a bit much lol.