The Extreme-Q Vaporizer




Charles Urbane
Pappy said:
@ unclewhammy > I
Uncle Whammy said:
My only concern so far: I looked up the manufacturer specs on the PVC tubing that's provided with the Extreme Q (I'll post a link if anyone's interested) and it's rated to 150 deg.F.
I endorse and suggest that you buy yourself 20 feet of 7th Floor tubing... You'll never look back! Easier fit, better feel, more flexible, cheap, higher heat tolerance.


I disagree. Silicone tubing from a company such as US Plastics may make more sense. A superior product for not much more. Earlier I ordered 50' of 1/4" id x 3/8" od, total including shipping was $46.99, of.............


Well-Known Member
I've bought from US Plastics before and they're great and quality. 7th Floor was a little more convenient and more expensive; I think they're both great options and offer a pivotal upgrade to a stock Extreme.


A Legend in my Own Mind
Pappy said:
@ unclewhammy > I
Uncle Whammy said:
My only concern so far: I looked up the manufacturer specs on the PVC tubing that's provided with the Extreme Q (I'll post a link if anyone's interested) and it's rated to 150 deg.F.
I endorse and suggest that you buy yourself 20 feet of 7th Floor tubing... You'll never look back! Easier fit, better feel, more flexible, cheap, higher heat tolerance.

Pappy I usually agree with you, but I ordered the 7th floor tubing for my Extreme and found the smell horrible, yes it goes away for the most part after a lot of elbows but it is also too easy to kink and once it kinks it keeps kinking in that same spot every time you use it.

The only good thing about it is the id is slightly larger than the stock tubing making it much easier to slip on and off elbows, adapters etc.


Well-Known Member
I find the larger ID facilitating airflow quite a bit as well, that said I'm not using the stock Extreme cylone/elbow so I'm not sure if the tubing has that effect with stock parts. In either case I'm rocking the 7th floor right now and like it quite a bit. I get kinks but not reoccurring in the same place.


Well-Known Member
I'm loving the Silicon tubing that I got just the other week. Much more bendable, doesn't kink, and I love being able to have a longer whip than the stock.


^ You people are downright kinky! I got no kinks in my tube. :lol: But I'm openminded. I'll try anything that doesn't leave me ashamed, embarrassed, or dead in the morning. :p


Staff member
Awww, Pappy. I have to disagree!! If I didn't try all the things that left me ashamed and embarrased in the morning, I wouldn't have had as rich of a life as I've had.... Of course I also wouldn't have met my ex-wife...... so yeah, maybe you do have a point. :rolleyes:


Dead Foot Designs
Accessory Maker
Hi everyone, I am having a blast with my new EQ and MFLB! And, of course now I want to pimp out my system. I have a Gear bong that is green, glass on glass, 14 mm. I was thinking of getting a 14mm to 18mm adaptor, but then I was thinking maybe something new. I like the looks of the scientific type glass, but I am not sure what to get. A bubbler? Bong? What does it need- ash catcher (prob not- no ash to catch), shower (not sure what this is), etc...?

What I want to do is hook my EQ to the glass water piece and vap through a nice cool stream of bubbles. I have been using traditional methods for 30 years, but when I see all the new terms and technologies out there, I get very confused.

So, basically, I want a nice piece of glass that will ONLY be used with the EQ, and only used to filter the vape through water so the hits are cooler and nicer. I don't want to pay hundreds of dollars for this, also. So, it is either some type of bong or "bubbler" that simply exists for this function. It will never be used to combust.

Can anyone suggest what I might need, or what would be a good, not too pricey option?

Thanks guys! This site has helped me SO much in the last few weeks, and you have converted me to a total vaper guy. My son calls it "The smart way to smoke weed".

Mod note: This section is not meant for vape specific threads. Merged into the 'The Extreme-Q Vaporizer' thread in Vaporizer Discussion.

Dr. Rockzo

Well-Known Member
My EQ arrived yesterday, and was waiting for me outside my door when I got back from class. I felt like a little kid on Christmas! I immediately set it up and called a friend, and after waiting 15 minutes for it to heat up properly, used the elbow pack method I learned here, and put it to use. It was pretty much in constant use after that, all night long; I invited a few more people over, and we had both bags going around for about a half hour. Everyone was blazed, and I'm fairly certain this is the greatest investment I've ever made. I wish I'd gotten a nice vape when I started smoking.....oh well. We went through at least twenty elbow packs yesterday (tried using the cyclone bowl as was intended but the elbow pack is superior!). I'm absolutely impressed with this product and I'm so fucking happy I got it. Wake and vaking with a bag right now :D
Dr. Rockzo,


Well-Known Member
You can either use a bong/bub that has a 14.4 or 18.8mil joint. If you use one with a 14.4 joint you need either a vape adapter(really cheap, less than $10) or a 14.4mil --> 18.8mil enlarger. As for what it needs you don't need anything other than the essentials to make it work. Most bong's need a downstem, you don't need an ash-catch/pre-cooler(terms used pretty interchangeably). A 'shower' is probably referring to a type of downstem, a shower-head, just a different type of diffusion. The possibilities are pretty much endless, just try to find something you like!


Well-Known Member
Glad you're enjoying your new vape Rockzo! I did pretty much the same thing the first night I got mine, had both bags going around for a half hour to an hour, it was nuts! As for using the elbow pack vs cyclone bowl, I think that when you're using more bud you should use the cyclone. Just gotta make sure you stir once in a while.

And I'm about to join you with a wake 'n bake through the whip!

Dr. Rockzo

Well-Known Member
I was mistaken in my earlier posts, my bong's actual "spout" opening is 18mm sanded glass, but I have to insert the downstem to make it work (lol) which downsizes it to 14mm. I'm hitting up my local headshop today for a converter, but if they don't have anything worthwhile/not overpriced I'm just going to get this on etsy:[0]=tags&includes[1]=title&filter[0]=handmade

And I must say it feels amazing knowing I'm receiving practically no carcinogens. Do you guys know if use of my EQ with my illadelph will detract from the hit? I must admit I don't know the science of vaporizing THC and then passing it through water/ice. Thanks for the tips, I'm still familiarizing myself with this thing (I must master my EQ as I master my life, etc etc.)
Dr. Rockzo,


So this morning while still half asleep I changed the screen in my Cyclone bowl and mistakenly put it on the heater cover on upside down @ 230c. :rolleyes: When I discovered my mistake (putting the Elbow bowl on) I quickly removed it and pulled the Cyclone bowl off the heater cover. I'm not certain what happened next. The bottom line is a portion of the Teflon was melted and I had some blood my finger -- from where I now can't determine.

As you can see from the photo a small strip of the Teflon is missing. I inspected the Q's chamber carefully with a flashlight and no interior damage or any trace of Teflon on the heater cover, walls, parts, or floor is visible. Nor do I smell any noxious odor although my sinuses are seriously stuffed and challenged. Nor do I see any smoke. I ran fan 3 @ 230c and everything appears normal.

But I can't help but feel concerned because this quarter inch strip of Teflon is mysteriously missing. The surface areal of the mishap is all black so maybe I'm not seeing a small piece of debris. Maybe it's what cut my finger? It all happened so fast I'm not sure.

So, any advise? And now that I have a usable Cyclone bowl without Teflon is it safe to use? Aside from being hotter to the touch.


Ia! Ia! Vapor Fthagn!
could also be that the missing portion is not missing. Could also be possible black coating shrank when exposed to that much heat. What appears to be missing piece could be just how it tore as the heat made it shrink


DevoTheStrange said:
could also be that the missing portion is not missing. Could also be possible black coating shrank when exposed to that much heat. What appears to be missing piece could be just how it tore as the heat made it shrink
That might be right, Devo. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Pappy said:
DevoTheStrange said:
could also be that the missing portion is not missing. Could also be possible black coating shrank when exposed to that much heat. What appears to be missing piece could be just how it tore as the heat made it shrink
That might be right, Devo. Thanks.
Devo's right - happened to me too.


Well-Known Member
Whew I hope all is well Pappy! Sounds like some Sunday morning excitement, I wouldn't worry about the missing teflon but like you said I'm sure it'll be hotter to the touch or a longer cool-off. Hope you got that Extreme pumping again :brow:


hereatlast said:
Whew I hope all is well Pappy! Sounds like some Sunday morning excitement, I wouldn't worry about the missing teflon but like you said I'm sure it'll be hotter to the touch or a longer cool-off. Hope you got that Extreme pumping again :brow:
Thanks! Looks like no damage done -- except to my self confidence and ego! :o

Dr. Rockzo

Well-Known Member
Loving this thing....on my fifth bag of blue dream for tonight at a [7], and wanted to ask a question. I bought a bunch of herbs at this local shop today (rose petals, star anise, lemon grass, peppermint, cinnamon sticks (lol) and the EQ came with orange marmalade). I was wondering what's the best way to diffuse the various smells (I could mix them to make a sort of potpourri) without blowing them all over the place. It seems like even the fan's first setting sends the lighter particles flying out of the large bowl. If I leave the EQ on, say, 100C, and leave the fan off, will it benefit the release of any smells from this mix of herbs? Thanks!
I'd like to actually utilize it like it's advertised as :p
Dr. Rockzo,
Dr. Rockzo the Q instructions say sumting about puttin a couple drops of water on top of potpurri, moist not wet, then just heat may help disperse aroma i guess

Mr. Smoke No More

Can't stop the head rush!

Im not the most experienced person with other herbs, but in my experience 50 or 100C is not enough. If using dried herbs like those that come with it, u just turn it up to 150+ without the fan on. Also had decent results with the cedar wood oil rockwise sent me by putting like 5-7 drops on a cotton ball and using fan 1 at about 120C i think it was. Only tries about 4 times or so, so some experimentation is still required on my part. But i hope i gave you a jump start. Please post what works best for u
Mr. Smoke No More,
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