MAUI WOWIE work’s so well in da “Q”?I have been trashed since I first tried The Gentleman. Trashed for days. The wands are so easy to use. I just clipped on the Direct Draw Mouthpiece, filled the basket, heated her up, and it was a Whoa- Nelly-Bar-The- Door, nope-it's- too-late -I'm-Super -High high pretty much since then. I've lost days. It's Thursday. This set up is ideal if you are older, infirm or just busy using your hands for other things. You don't have to hold a wand. You load the basket, or have your caregiver, roommate, spouse, lover et al load it for you, then all you do is Dip your head, Sip gently the Vapor, and watch while your skull is Ripped from your head. Dip. Sip. Rip. I took notes. Stupid notes.
Stoner notes.
The Dirty Pig kept me busy the next day, and he was dirty. The wand has a glass screen, and little bits of ABV get pulled into the wand. There are optional small screen baskets for the Direct Draw Mouthpiece, and I used one with mine. It wasn't strictly needed, but I was planning on going through a few baskets and wanted it covered. The small basket is far from the heat, and remains cool during use making it ideal for use with the glass screened Dirty Pig. At the end of the day, I put the Dirty Pig in a zip top snack bag with some salt, and shook it clean. In between times was a bit of a blur. There was a lot of just gently leaning over for a taste of vapor. I looked like one of those toy drinking birds.
Only it was weed, not water.
Still testing! Because I'm diligent and still miss deadlines!
After trying The Gentleman and The Dirty Pig, I decided to try them sharing the load. I coarsely ground my herb, and vaped until vaked. Later, I finely ground the herb/ABV mixture, then finished off with The Gentleman. Haha, I almost said cowboy. After that, balloon party! I hadn't done a balloon in awhile, but I sure did do it this time. I used a turkey bag -a preused turkey bag, and used the work-in-progress-fill-the -bag -option. It works great, but DDave says there maybe other additions to the bag operation in the future. I forgot how potent a bag can be, and if I hadn't wanted to try The Gentleman and The Dirty Pig with water, I'd be bagging it still.
This is the thing you always wanted, and never want to be without. This is a miraculous surprise. Innovative, flexible, and both utilitarian and sexxy. I've tried the Gentleman both with and without water. Total love without the whip. What freedom. What instant gratification. This is The This I've been waiting for. Just bend, kiss, sip. Truly hands free.
I love my Solo and Air. I do, but if I'm sitting next to my plugged in EQ I feel sheepish using a portable for no other reason than to avoid a whip. I don't dislike whips. I prefer them to bags. You can change up the length. They allow vapor space to cool. You can buy them in fun colors. As much as I'm pro whip, I don't want a whip all of the time. They often require more finesse than I am able and willing to muster. While not disposible, they aren't exactly long lived, and will end up in a landfill far longer than they were ever used. All glass is that leap to a pure air path and environmentally caring path.
What we have here is @DDave version of a log vape. Hands free and easy.
I can see if a person were elderly, infirm or unwell, that a spouse or caregiver could fill up a basket, set up the Arizer EQ in Gentleman position, and the patient would merely have to lean over to medicate. A person with Parkinson's, arthritis, or other ailment of hand or nerves, could easily use the Gentleman or The Dirty Pig. Equally as useful, a student need not put down her tablet, a gamer need not put down her controller, a viewer his remote. You wouldn't have to put down your sandwich, or chips. Bow and Boom! Just like that, Duck and Cover. Dip and Sip. So convenient. This is effortless stonerism at it's height.
Through water the Gentleman is Epic. Glass gleams, the whip coils, and you suddenly want beakers and Bunsen burners and a Stormy night. You have vapor distilling into a mad scientist's fevered dream. Throw in some tongs, and this is magic, alchemy and healing vapors with a laboratory set piece. The Gentleman mates beautifully with a waterpiece, without the kinking of the whip as from a straight wand. Bent is better, as it so often is.
Something about the Gentleman makes him a force to be reckoned with, and I'm in the reckoning stages. I don't feel hungover as much as still high. But then, the could be from trying out The Dirty Pig.