Well-Known Member
Easiest way to find out is to call them or email them and ask direct!
That's exactly what I am going to do in the morning as they closed now.
Also going to ask about the others too and see what they say.
Easiest way to find out is to call them or email them and ask direct!
That's exactly what I am going to do in the morning as they closed now.
Also going to ask about the others too and see what they say.
First hand accounts are awesome!
Good luck and let us know what you decide on!!
Of course!
Do remember Im only after a balloon vape so my choice will be based on the 'best balloon vapes'. Everything else is just a bonus! So let's see what they say![]()
Gotcha! Balloon vape!
Have you looked at the Zephyr Ion? Only downside is the massive chamber.
No I haven't, primarily because you can't get it in the UK, well atleast, I can't find anyone stocking it.
But a quick Google search at the price, it fits in the volcano range!
Ok so rang vape fiend up-
Herbalaire - no go, it's very dated and old now, the tech is ancient.
Didn't even comment on the da bhudda lol
Extreme q- he said not really that great with the balloon- is this true?
More than anything he kept pushing the vape exhale which bundles in around £450!! Doesn't even balloon vape either, so that's out the question. But he did mention it's the best numerous times and that it beats everything else by miles.
Oh the extreme q they stock is the latest version.
Any advice guys?
I was hoping that would not happen to you but I guess vapefiend is no different to any other retailer...
Unfortunately you got the keener on the other side wanting to bump you up a few levels!
So a few updates:
HerbalAire have a new digital version out, new tech and works extremely well. I own one, no balloons though.
Da Buddha has a HUGE following, just look on here...
Extreme Q works amazingly well with balloons, so not sure what their deal is...
The VapeXHale EVO is a great vaporizer, I also own one. It can be used dry or through a water tool, no balloons without modifying it. It is an excellent vaporizer but is not what you were asking about.
At the end of the day it all depends on what YOU are looking for!
If you are set on the Extreme Q, read the whole thread, watch youtube videos and just read all you can.
Do the same for the other vapes you are interested in and then see which one tops the board for you!
I really like this guy's videos and explanations:
Haha I love sneaky Pete's vids and I've seen that vid before, that's where I saw It first! He loves it also!
Yep, I'm afraid they were like why you want to balloon vape, there's much better out there now. I just find balloons to get me medicated quicker that's all, I tried a volcano last year and got hammered off 3 drags from the balloon!
Problem is the da buda isn't a hallon either. Yes the new herbalaire is the elite- the latest one, but once mentioned that , vapefiend said it wasn't as good as it says.
Just watched a review about the vape exhale, looks stunning and them glass pieces look insane. Just no balloons!
I think it's going to be the extreme q but they kinda put me down saying balloons rubbish and that vapeexhale is just the one to get.
At the end of the day it depends on how much money you are willing to spend and what features you absolutely have to have.
If balloons is a must have feature, then the VapeXHale is not for you.
As you mentioned you have narrowed it down to either the Volcano or the Extreme Q.
They are on opposite sides of the price range, so that could also be why they suggested other vaporizers to you.
If you are just starting out in the vape world, the EQ is a great vape and can be easily resold at not too much loss. You will get the basics down and then know exactly what you are looking for and can then go searching.
It is a very versatile vaporizer that has been around for a long time and has many reviews, mods and tips available for new users and old alike.
In my opinion, an elbow packed balloon in the EQ is extremely tasty and potent!! This way you also only use a small amount of herb for a full balloon.
I am confident in saying you will like your EQ! There are many people out there who use it as their daily driver for years and have no complaints.
My EQ is a few years old, so not the latest version, but it blows amazing balloons and works very well with my water tools. It still gets brought out to be used even with all my other high powered vapes!
Awesome! Well the guy did say the vape xhale is just so much better and medicates you very very well...so what am I missing just looks like a normal desktop vape? Am I wrong?
I've decided to get the Q, just based on the value for money. Can always sell it later so no big thing.
When you use balloons, can you bung/cap the end to keep the balloon full? Or does it escape ?
When you say elbow packed balloon, does that mean you can use the balloon various ways?
Awesome!! You will love it!
So here is the low down... Generally the more a vape costs the more technology it has in it. With the EVO this is not the case as it is fairly simple, a glass tube with a heater on the outside. This heater is WAY stronger and hotter than the EQ so it pumps out a LOT more vapor. Does it justify the price difference? Depends on what you are after.
I would say, if you love the EQ and get on well, trade up to an EVO in a few months time when you are comfortable using a vape in many different ways! I always see them up for trade.
The balloons are only open on one end and you use a glass tube and some o-rings to secure the bag to the glass tube. The glass tube has a joint on the end that you will place a mesh basket into, this part gets placed into the EQ. Inside this mesh basket you will lightly pack your herb and place on the EQ and fill your bag. Very efficient and your bags will be thick and delicious!
The parts are slightly different but you will get the idea:
Some more info and ideas here:
Thanks for the videos they were a good watch esp the Ddave mods. Most likely will go and buy them pretty much soon lol
I'm not new to this, I have many vaporizers, I only have one desktop though, the iHit, which does alot but no ballooning!
Looking forward to getting this, looks awesome. Is the vapeexhale affect you as in get you any more higher than the Q?
I've seen it before but never really gave it any attention as it looked way over priced. However after watching some videos, it looks good. It being any warmer, isn't a deal breaker as I vape on low temps anyway and dislike warm vapor.
If you block one end of the balloon can the vapor stay in there for 10mins or so? Just be cool in case you have to wait to smoke it but not let any vapor out, otherwise full bowl wasted.
The DDave mods turn it into a better machine and you will use less herb, so a win win!
Denser vapor and better flavor. A great kit and very much needed for the EQ if you want to use less herb.
The EVO is an excellent vaporizer and can get you baked faster than the EQ on less material.
As the price goes up so does the tech inside, this was what i meant with hot air.
It is a convection vape, similar to the EQ, but it can extract a lot faster and more goodies due to it's design. The material is closer to the heater and is 100% in the air path, so it can provide extremely dense vapor with flavor. Once you start looking into the more expensive vapes, you will notice the chamber size does not get bigger, it usually gets smaller especially convection.
Again it is all priced based, so go for what you can afford.
I had to have a look at what an iHit was... Heard about them but not a lot.
I go for big hitters that can effectively micro dose.
0,05g in one dense, delicious hit. I am not a session vape kind of guy and prefer mass introduction of THC!
As for keeping the vapor in the balloon for longer than it takes you to inhale a bag?
Not recommended because if you leave it the vapor will cool and condense on the sides of the bag, leaving you with a stale hit and a waste of a bowl. Another reason I prefer one hitters, no waste!
Read up on elbow packing as that is the most effective way to use the EQ using smaller amounts.
If you have access to lots of herb, just use the cyclone bowl and fill her up for a nice session!
I also use an 18 male to 18 male with an EQ basket in one end, herb goes in there.
Then i use an 18F to 18F and put that on top and the EQ upside down on that!
Awesome one hit wonders in your water tool!
Wow, i was wondering why I had so many EQ posts liked recently. 455 pages is impressive.We will be coming to you for answers since you read the whole sacred tomb.
@Madri-Gal have you had your EQ apart?
Have my EQ out ATM. I use ELBs and an 18mm M/M as my basket setup. Start off with the EVO, then revape the ELBS into bags with the EQ.
just curious. Has anybody ever replace a fan in an EQ?
ok so it arrived on friday and i had a quick play with it over the weekend.
turned it on, set it to 200c, left it to warm up for a few mins.
after a few mins, i put some green in the cyclone bowl (did not want to try the elbow packing on my first go.)
Attached the balloon and set to fan 3.
First round - the bag inflated with no visible vapor at all. Had about 3 full vapes. the abv was still green.
Second round - the bag inflated but i could see some vapour inside. Felt alot better and the abv was all brown and vaped.
Any advice and tips for the balloon? any specific temps and fan setting? just didnt hit me like i thought it would but given i could hardly see any vapor in the balloon i think im doing something wrong. i only put a bit in to see how it handles, you could call it microdosing.
Not sure if you did, but i think you missed the PREHEAT: You put on the cyclone bowl/ddave adapter with out any herbs, connect glass elbow. Set on 230 C, let it like that 10-15 min.
After that, you load herbs and set to desired temp. Then, wait a few minutes and turn on fan to inflate baloon or start inhaling if using whip.
Also, even before preheat, it's recommended by some to have the power adapter pluged to the wall for a few minutes. Apparently it also helps with the heatingup proces.
Another thing: when using the cyclone bowl, you have to set the unit a little higher than the temp you actually want since the herbs are palaced quite far from the heating element. That's why a ddave addapter would be better.
Ok so when I got the unit I left it on for 20mins to sterilise it then turned off and left it.
Then the next day, turned it on left for 4 mins or so to heat up- with out the cyclone bowl. I didn't know you needed the bowl and stem on aswell.
I'll try that next and report.
Just not sure what setting for fan?
As this is a desktop device and all my mods are portable I'm not sure what temp to use.
I'll only be using the balloon.
I was looking at the Ddave mods, there's quite a bit and not sure what I actually need. As he sells a full kit and them spares.
The long preheat is not just for sterlization. Everytime you want to use the unit after it has been cold, preheat at least for 10 minutes at 230, and yeah, with both bowl and stem hookedup.
Regarding a ddave mod to get, what i understand is: are you going to use a water filtering system? if yes, get a ddave "mod kit". Those come with all the neceary thing to connect the unit toa bong or water thingy of your choice.On the other hand, if you just want to improve the performance of your unit (so no option to hook up a bong or water filtering thing), just get the one at the bottom of his page, the "mod upgrade kit", which just comes with the ddave adapter and a basketless connector.
Hope more experienced users can comment and add or correct any thing I said wrong.
As you've said, the kits are cheap and affordable. They are also well thought out. DDave seeks to increase options, variety and efficiency. I regularly hook up to a water piece, and I can say the attachments are worth getting. I have both 14mm and 18mm, and I'm able to continue using my beloved glass using these adapters. Having to forsake my glass was my biggest concern in quitting combustion. Now, thanks to Ddave's Mods, I use and enjoy my glass daily. I use much less water than when filtering smoke , and have been known to only use ice at times, and even using my glass empty as an air chamber. Only you would know if any of these options appeal to you, and you'd only know for sure if you tried with an adapter of sorts. Not all of these worked for me, but having the full DDave kits has made experimenting, playing, trying things and working out what works for me, that much easier. Do yourself a favor, and get the most comprehensive DDave Mod Kit you can afford. You won't regret getting them, but you might regret not getting them, and ending up upgrading later.Ahh I see where I went wrong. So 10-15minms pre heat everytime.
Makes sense.
Yep I saw the individual bits and nope no water attachment but then again looking at the costs they are cheap and affordable.
Has anyone here hooked up to a water piece? Is it worth getting?
If not then will just buy the upgrade kit. I've messaged Ddave so let's see.
I need to learn about this elbow packing aswell and give that ago.
Thanks for the help!!
Oh awesome! I came to the same conclusion since they not that much more expensive. What is the one you have called? As there are a few full kits.
I'd like the idea to experiment too and see how it is, maybe end up using the whip and water tools.
With elbow packing do you just put some green in the elbow basket instead of cyclone bowl? Won't the green just fall down as its facing down?
I have the complete kit including concentration chamber. I wanted to be able to use both 14mm and 18mm, to be able to continue using glass, and mostly just have as many possibilities as were available. This might not be what you need, but I'm very happy with my selection.Oh awesome! I came to the same conclusion since they not that much more expensive. What is the one you have called? As there are a few full kits.
I'd like the idea to experiment too and see how it is, maybe end up using the whip and water tools.
With elbow packing do you just put some green in the elbow basket instead of cyclone bowl? Won't the green just fall down as its facing down?
I have the complete kit including concentration chamber. I wanted to be able to use both 14mm and 18mm, to be able to continue using glass, and mostly just have as many possibilities as were available. This might not be what you need, but I'm very happy with my selection.
To elbow pack, you put a basket screen in an elbow attached to a whip and mouthpiece. You can lightly fill full or 1/4, 1/3, 1/2 full. The end of your glass pick is perfect for Lightly tamping. Many people like filling the elbow by holding it over ground herb, and inhaling to vacuum the herb up, then tamping. This is my preferred method. Just remember not to empty by blowing, as this can cause herb to blow into the heater cover. Magic overrides gravity here (seems to), and a well packed elbow tends to stay packed. When you need to stir, just gently stir in the elbow, or dump into the cyclone bowl and finish.
I keep a small jar on the table for AVB, and sprinkle it over some foods, sometimes. Some I'm using to make elixer. I hate for anything to go to waste.
Yes, it was the $65.00 kit, and it has everything.is that the kit that is $65? does that include everyyyything ddave has to offer for the extreme q?
can you use the balloon instead of whip for the eblow packing?
Sounds easy! will try that tonight, thought it was more of a complex procedure!![]()