I am astounded at the failure rate you have achieved with the Solo Tommy. I have owned a EQ for a few years & it is a great vape for what it is (a relatively inexpensive powerhouse that is hugely versatile).
EQ's don't seem to have a high failure rate that I have heard of. I tend to hear more how XYZ's EQ survived another beating administered. Sure they break but most of the time it is a glass component that is replaceable. Some people have gotten 5+ years with 12+ hours a day run times.
Maintenance is very straight forward. Can you get a small squat 200-300ml glass jar & 3/4 fill it with Iso? Congratulations you now have a maintenance regime for the EQ. I tend to clean my glass once a week & soak my baskets overnight in Iso. I suggest you get a @DDave 18mm kit as if you as going to be vaping at least a 1/2 a week you should swap out your glass once a day in Iso. Cheaper, better & you get much more for your money.
Can't comment on it vs the Volcano except to say the Volcano destroys the EQ when it comes to bags. However if you are smoking an Oz a week you must be bonging & the EQ hooks up to an 18mm F joint out of the box. Crank the temp, rip some hot temp vapour through water & forget about the Volcano
There are a million quirks to the EQ but it does a great job & the 18mm connectivity means you can customize the EQ to suit what you want.
Jump on that deal then hop on Ebay & get a DDave 18mm kit & if you can afford it get a Ddave DBV kit sinc e you are such a heavy user. If you act fast you will get a bonus water pipe adapter as well as all the spare glass you will need for some time.
Glad to hear it's reliable. I don't mind about glass components, I like to keep multiple of them to swap them anyway like you suggested

I might sound stupid but I'm not sure what's the use for @DDave stuff is? Is it to plug my bong with the vaporizer together or is it to make the device more efficient?
BTW I just ordered one! Thanks for the specifics, it greatly helped with my choice!