Last week, I preheated my EQ at 255C, spaced out, packed a cap, and after a long draw. What??

Dark vapor then COMBUSTION

! After that last accidental combustion episode, I decided to definitely keep my EQ powered and primed at 200C full time. New rule for me, Avoid power ups when you can preheat. Haste can mean waste.
And an afternoon of cleaning glass equipment of smoke smell.

Actually springlike in upstate NY.

Only one light dusting of snow this winter where I'm at. People out biking and bustling around like it's May. Staying home this holiday. Might go out for a X-mas hike if it stays this nice. I've been too much of a houseplant this late fall. Probably will need to burn off the heavy dinner I plan on making for the day.
EQ has been preheating my bowl and my wand like a champ. Left it plugged in for nearly a week. Having it on when I'm not at work. Both pieces conduct heat very well and I have a large 19mm that sit above that which itself has a lot of volume before going through another large wand and a few more adapters. Then to my hose and duel perc which sets comfortably on my desk. Have quite a tall and wide tower of glass going to my perc. The 19mm is easy to clutch and pull the wand out for changing out caps. Like how I imagine a
Verdamper works with it's heat gun. Oh!

I just went to their website just now and read the literature.
"This vaporizer is the result of many adjustments and further developments. The combination of a heating element and robust glass make for the ultimate vaporizer. It vaporizes the active substances in herbs at 200°C (392°F)"
200C? Why that is my target Extraction temp and most EQers here.

And I have the option to use a fan with a remote. A $55 dollar duel perk + an EQ + glass mods > Verdamper? Plus my setup is modular and my EQ can sit a few feet below my desk. With the water piece being able to slide around on my desk. (Although I broke a different glass piece earlier doing just that.

After the perk drops down. 4 inches of tubing and the whip setup. The whip is my fav hookah tip with the DDave 14mm wand and some silicone tubing magic.
That's where the design for comfort comes into play. Easy to pick up and set down while say writing FC posts.