Lo and Behold! The transformative power of Vapor.
See what you getting at. If they had the heater further down inside the unit of the V-tower (or EQ) and change the build quality, so It could behave well upside down, The Arizer desktops could behave like a Neo-Log or Neo-Evo. If they had an all glass pathway, that would check all the boxes.Not impossible to get a log but certainly a pain in the arse as I am in OZ & apparently significant waiting lists. Hell Arizer could make a stripped down V Tower based unit specifically designed to be inverted for water use since there would be no fan requirement. Build it & they will buy or at least I would buy especially is it is reasonably priced.
Never owned an Arizer portable, But if any of them has total pass-thru and could use the full potential of the AC when being used, that could be another powerhouse option for a conduction vape. I do like having full convection heat with a desktop. Been checking this FC thread for 100% convection.
I did the Auto-Pack with the 14mm like @DDave suggested and this time stacked two pieces on each other and had them pinned between the bowl screen and the tip hat.
Different flavor profile, It feels like inhaling a single grape or berry. If that makes any sense.