Looking for interesting people and vapes
Try this.. Sandwich pack in the elbow. first layer fairly grounded herb, then hash, then herb... press a little
I have a few wax/SHATTER/HASH pens however I love to use a vaporizer with HASH!Ok I can do this. I was just hoping I could sample it alone. Without mixing,so I could evaluate it on its own. Is this possible or must it be sandwiched.
I always use the SSV wand that way, but I don't install a screen in the Ddave adapter. I usually use it at 464F, which is a fair amount higher than the 410F I used with the Mini Wand setup last night. The inner screen does tend to clog this way, but the "basket screen" stays clean.Can I get good extraction using the ssv wand packed between 2 screens with sort adapter. Didn't know if this would put herb too far away from heat. What temps do you use for that.
I love HASH!I actually just ran into a buddy that gave me some hash. It is dark brown. I am not sure if it is bubble or black hash. It is kind of sticky and not the hard type and does not crumble but i can rip off small pieces by hand. I tried some in my arizer air last night and made a bud sandwich with it. It worked ok but i like to have the hash straight and have been a bit scared to just drop it in my Eq. I also tried putting it in a glass globe i use for wax and it did not really melt well like wax would. Is it safe to drop some in the Eqs elbow ? I am unsure of how well it work , seems like it needs a high heat to get it started.
I just at a.pitch of GOD'S GIFT and pre~heated and OMG:I'll second that!!
I have never tried bags?all-glass-mini-whip-set.jpg
Has anyone tried this all glass mini whip set by Arizer for filling bags?
I'm trying to improve upon the stock set up ... I received my DDave adapter to replace the cyclone bowl yesterday (3 days before delivery estimate :-)
I'm also considering the Silver Surfer elbow ... would this elbow fit the existing Arizer tubing?
Thanks :-)
Why vAporizers came out so late?
@DDave kit has a few setup possibilities!
I have never tried bags?
What am I missing?!
I did not start cannabis until 1970!1. Consistency ... each hit off the bag is essentially the same - uniform ... if anything, the last two hits tend to be a little fuller and tastier.
2. Efficiency (maybe?) ... an amount that might yeild four really good hits with my Arizer Air, will give me upwards of a dozen nice (although a little wispy) hits - and the same buzz.
Just my guestimation, but our lungs can only absorb so much of whatever (in our case - cannabinoids) ... therefore, I wonder how efficient those huge rips we've seen in the vids are.
Anyway, in my experience, even though the bag usually doesn't look very cloudy when given a small amount of material to work with, each exhale produces plenty of visible vapor.
3. Portability around the house ... fill it in one room, then take it with you wherever.
I timed my fill up on fan speed 1 the other day ... 3 1/2 minutes. Considering that drying/grinding and pre-heating take considerably more time than that (and my Air takes 2 to 3 min.) ... I always choose the bag method over the Air unless I'm away from home, or need to keep things on the DL
4. Almost impossible to take too big of a hit
That probably makes more sense if you live where it's legal and cheap. OTOH, there is a good argument that we all owe the planet a debt which we can only begin to repay by minimising waste wherever we can. Having lived in the US for 13 years, I appreciate that for many modern Americans this might seem like a strange idea. Living in Australia where possession is an indictable offence, I'm at substantial risk whenever I make a purchase, so conservation of bud is an imperative to minimise exposure to potential harms.Economy of CANNABIS is kind of lame.
@fubar you know I'm joking and do understand your fate.That probably makes more sense if you live where it's legal and cheap. OTOH, there is a good argument that we all owe the planet a debt which we can only begin to repay by minimising waste wherever we can. Having lived in the US for 13 years, I appreciate that for many modern Americans this might seem like a strange idea. Living in Australia where possession is an indictable offence, I'm at substantial risk whenever I make a purchase, so conservation of bud helps me minimise my exposure to potential harms.
Interesting - you lucky fellow - and no, I'm not blaming you personally for the great pacific garbage patch because of your jest about conservation.@fubar When I lived in Hawaii it was free.
HEY LOOK FUBAR!Interesting - you lucky fellow - and no, I'm not blaming you personally for the great pacific garbage patch because of your jest about conservation.
After all, one thing I learned during my stay was that there is a vast range of attitudes and behaviour with regard to unnecessary waste of natural resources in the US - like there is here on a much smaller scale....
I've had my EQ for over 5 years and have never used the bags either. lol, maybe I should try one sometime.I have never tried bags?
What am I missing?
Today I tried a 14mm wand and talk about FLAVOR.
Ok I got very medicated.
I lost my JARZ for my GSC (daytime)
So I ground some up an put it in a brown glass jar!
@DDave kit has a few setup possibilities!
Agree with @TomC1315 points. I do try to get a more of a consistent 'gaseous' vapor when filling bags (and also trying to get that knack back(Shortened for space)
1. Consistency ... each hit off the bag is essentially the same - uniform ... if anything, the last two hits tend to be a little fuller and tastier.
2. Efficiency (maybe?) ... an amount that might yeild four really good hits with my Arizer Air, will give me upwards of a dozen nice (although a little wispy) hits - and the same buzz.
Just my guestimation, but our lungs can only absorb so much of whatever (in our case - cannabinoids) ... therefore, I wonder how efficient those huge rips we've seen in the vids are.
Anyway, in my experience, even though the bag usually doesn't look very cloudy when given a small amount of material to work with, each exhale produces plenty of visible vapor.
3. Portability around the house ... fill it in one room, then take it with you wherever.
I timed my fill up on fan speed 1 the other day ... 3 1/2 minutes. Considering that drying/grinding and pre-heating take considerably more time than that (and my Air takes 2 to 3 min.) ... I always choose the bag method over the Air unless I'm away from home, or need to keep things on the DL
4. Almost impossible to take too big of a hit
Thank yOu!Agree with @TomC1315 points. I do try to get a more of a consistent 'gaseous' vapor when filling bags (and also trying to get that knack back). With all the parts I have and using @DDaves's method for keeping the hose in shape with the tube clamp. (Only I zip tied a loop to the handle of my tube clamps and formed a wider arc with the hose.) Then I mentioned in my last post how I came up with a new method for making balloon bags.
It's essentially using an 8 inch piece of PVC tube inside a vape bag for support and inch at the end as the plug-in. Using a 2 inch piece of silicone tubing around the outside of the bag instead of pesky o-rings, rubber bands ,etc. Just roll up the 2 inch tube up over the bag opening that already been wrapped around the PVC hose.
Pretty much my homemade PVC bag method with the tamed arch and better grade of bags and the hose that came with the DDave kit.
Made it a full upgrade categorically
The 18mm glass wand and tip hat that came with the DDave kit. And my own special F/F for the EQ. So no telescoping of vapor until it reaches the PVC portion of my vape bag. Where it is needed. IMHO. There is enough PVC hose already 1/3 of the way inside the bag. So very little dissipation. The vape bag expands nicely even while laying on it's side. The PVC tube inside the bag does all the work. So, Fast fill-up time and emptying time too.
Do like the 'VapeBags' brand of bags from Puffitup.com so far. Cheapest place anywhere with the FC discount.
The 'Vapebags' bags are tapered more that the stock EQ bags. Thicker and clearer to. Better at filling up with that extra edge around the bag.
But found my main source. Been happy with their delivery before too.
If I get good with filling bags, I look into modding a 5ft Volcano bag. Otherwise going with these.