Lo and Behold! The transformative power of Vapor.
I've read ISO alcohol would degrade the Arizer PVC. Never tried it, but do advise you to cut a tiny piece off the end of the tubing and soak it in ISO as a test.
I wouldn't risk it. I know some have said certain types of whips were ok to soak or quickly rinse out, but in general, if it's not glass, I don't use ISO on it.
Thanks for bringing that up. Including testing a small portion. I didn't want to be the only one commenting on that. Have you heard anything negative about using it on silicone tubing?

Another aside, I've been told ANY type of clear food-safe material is anti-microbial by it's nature. Unlike a colored type of plastic. But I don't want to spread mis-information or muddy the waters for that matter. I do select food-safe hose that is designed to take higher temps. Like those designed for beverage manufacturers. Oh one more point. BPA? I have quite using BPA water bottles. Does this apply too? So much for a cut and dry answer.

Oh and just one more thing. certain plastics leech, like say when you keep tomato sauce in a plastic container. Gosh, I keep coming back with more questions than Detective Columbo.

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